Wîkîpediya:Growth Team features/Mentor list
This is the list of mentors for the Growth Team features.
Mentors have to sign up using this special formatting: [[User:Name]]|Description
. Please strictly use this syntax, DO NOT add any links or wikitext in the description; otherwise it will break. Please limit your description to 240 characters. Full instructions are at Growth/Communities/How to introduce yourself as a mentor.
To add or remove your name from this list, please visit Special:MentorDashboard.
Mentors automatically assigned to new accounts
When a newcomer registers their Wîkîpediya account, one of the following users is automatically assigned as their mentor.
# | Username | Last active | Number of newcomers assigned | Status | Message for newcomers |
1 | Balyozxane (gotûbêj | beşdarî) | 11:46, 18 kanûna pêşîn 2024 | Average (the default) | Active | Silav, bi xêr hatî Wîkîpediyayê! Heke pirsên te hebin, ji bo alîkariyê ez li vir im. |
2 | Bikarhêner (gotûbêj | beşdarî) | 22:30, 14 kanûna pêşîn 2024 | Average (the default) | Active | Merheba, tu bi xêr hatî Wîkîpediya kurdî. Eger pirsên te yên derheqê Wîkîpediyayê de hebin li ser rûpela min a gotûbêjê dikarî ji min bipirsî. Qewet be! |
3 | Penaber49 (gotûbêj | beşdarî) | 05:51, 19 kanûna pêşîn 2024 | Average (the default) | Active | Merheba, bi xêr hatî Wîkîpediya kurdî. Ev demekî dirêj e ku ji bo wîkîpediya kurdî dixebitim. Ji bo alîkariyê li ser gotûbêja min ji min re binivîse. |
Mentors who manually select their mentees
New accounts aren’t automatically assigned to these mentors. Mentors in this list will only mentor accounts they personally select, making this feature ideal for workshop hosts who wish to continue mentoring participants.