Hola Claudi, rojbaş (bon dia), sí, podries haver-me escrit en català, és la meva segona llengua. Vet aquí la traducció al kurd. Rep una salutació cordial --MikaelF 10:08, 31 tîrmeh 2010 (UTC)
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Ez piştevaniya projeya Wikimedia-Katalonya dikim. Tu? Ji kerema xwe re tu jî piştevaniya wê bike, were bi dû vê girêdanê bikeve [1] îmze bidê! I support the Wikimedia CAT chapter. Don't you? Please, give us your support and/or sign following this link. |
Hi, would you be so kind as to give us support!
biguhêreRojbash, I hope you're doing fine and I sincerely apologize for this intrusion and for not knowing your language. My name is Claudi Balaguer (User Capsot from the Catalan Wikipedia and the Occitan Wikiccionari), I think that you know too well what are a minorized language and culture and maybe I am not bothering you and you will help us... I'm a member of a Catalan association "Amical de la Viquipèdia" which is trying to get some recognition as a Catalan Chapter (an intermediate structure between the Wikipedias and the Wikimedia Foundation) but this hasn't been approved up to that moment. We would appreciate your support, visible if you stick this template on your first page Wikimedia CAT or/and sign the list of Members and Supporters, following the link on the template. Thanks again for your attention and I sincerely apologize if my message was bothersome or not interesting for you, I wish you a nice, pleasant and warm summer. I sincerely hope that your country and your language will get the opportunities they deserve and flourish!
:: Rojbaş Claudi, Malheureusement je ne parle pas et je ne comprend pas l'anglais. Si vous pouviez m'écrire plutôt en français je pourrais peut etre vous aider. Cordialement--Luqman 08:36, 26 tebax 2010 (UTC)
- Bonjour Mon ami. Comme je suis un kurde je connais bien la situation des langues sans état. Donc je pense que ta cause est juste et je soutiens ta campagne de tout mon coeur. J'espère que tu réussira. Ton ami --Luqman 08:28, 27 tebax 2010 (UTC)
Gràcies, Claudi
biguhêreBon dia i rojbaix Claudi i moltes gràcies per la invitació a la vostra trobada a Perpinyà. Malauradament, no puc venir, potser una altra vegada si us trobeu més a prop de Barcelona. Gràcies novament, gràcies, el mateix us desitjo, molta sort amb la trobada i amb la vostra feina viquipèdica. Una abraçada --MikaelF 12:40, 20 reşemî 2011 (UTC)