Francisco Franco
Francisco Franco Bahamonde (z. 4ê berfanbarê 1892an - 20ê sermawezê 1975an) generalekî spanî bû ku di dema Şerê Navxweyî yê Spanyayê de di hilweşandina Komara Duyemîn a Spanyayê de pêşengiya hêzên Neteweperest kir û dûv re ji sala 1939an heya sala 1975an wekî dîktator li ser Spanyayê hukum kir. Di nav gel de ew bi sernavê Caudillo hat binav kirin. Ev serdema di dîroka Spanyayê de, ji serketina neteweperestan heya mirina Franco, bi gelemperî wekî Spanyaya Frankîst an dîktatoriya frankîst tê zanîn.
Head of State of Spain (d) | |
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Manuel Azaña (en) | |
Head of government of Spain (d) | |
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Juan Negrín (en) Luis Carrero Blanco (en) | |
Commander-in-chief (en) Armed forces of the Nationalist faction in the Spanish Civil War (d) | |
à partir du | |
Chief of Staff of the Army (en) | |
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Carlos Masquelet Lacaci (d) José Sánchez-Ocaña Beltrán (d) | |
Capitán general de las Islas Baleares (d) | |
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Miguel Núñez de Prado y Susbielas (d) Manuel Goded Llopis (en) | |
Director of the General Military Academy (d) | |
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Commander-in-chief (en) Spanish Legion (en) | |
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Rafael de Valenzuela y Urzaiz (d) José Millán Astray (en) | |
Commander-in-chief (en) Bandera "España" No 1 of the Legion (d) | |
à partir du | |
National Head of the Movement (d) | |
Commander-in-chief (en) Spanish Armed Forces (1939-1975) (en) |
Jidayikbûn | |
Mirin | |
Cihê goristanê |
Grave of Francisco Franco at Mingorrubio Cemetery (d) (dp. ) |
Navê jidayikbûnê |
Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco Bahamonde |
Hevwelatî | |
Cîwar |
Royal Palace of El Pardo (en) (- |
Perwerde |
Toledo Infantry Academy (en) (heta an) |
Pîşe |
Efser, spanish legionary, leşker, siyasetmedar, senaryonivîs |
Salên çalak |
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Bav |
Nicolás Franco Salgado-Araújo (d) |
Dê |
Pilar Bahamonde y Pardo de Andrade (d) |
Xwişk û bira | |
Hevjîn |
María del Carmen Polo Martínez-Valdés (en) (ji heta ) |
Zarok |
Carmen Franco, 1st Duchess of Franco (en) |
Xizm | |
Partiya siyasî |
Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las JONS (en) |
Artêş |
Spanish Armed Forces (en) |
Payeya leşkerî |
Generalissimo (en) (dp. ) |
Şerên tevlêbûyî |
Rif War (en) Şerê navxweyî yê Spanyayê Asturian miners' strike of 1934 (en) Ifni War (en) |
Bejn |
1,63 m |
Xelat | Lîsteya berfireh Imperial Order of the Yoke and Arrows (en) Order of the Liberator General San Martín (en) Order of Bernardo O'Higgins (en) Grand Cross of the special class of the Order of Boyacá (d) National Order of Merit (en) Order of Sikatuna (en) Order of Rama (en) Grand Cross of the Order of the Legion of Honour (Philippines) (d) Knight Grand Officer of the Order of Isabella the Catholic (d) Order of the German Eagle (en) Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus (d) Order of the Seal of Solomon (en) Supreme Order of the Renaissance (en) Order of Christopher Columbus (en) Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (d) Order of Saint Lazarus (en) National Order of Honour and Merit (en) Order of Trujillo (en) Military Order of Ayacucho (d) Grand Cross of the Military Order of Avis (d) National Order of Merit (en) Order of the Most Holy Annunciation (en) Knight grand cross of the order of the crown of Italy (d) Grand Cross of the Aeronautical Merit (Spain) - White Decoration (d) Melilla Medal (Military) (d) Order of the Medhauia (d) Cross of the Royal and Military Order of Saint Hermenegild (d) Campaigns Commemorative Medal (d) Cross of the Military Merit - Red Decoration (d) () Royal and Military Order of Maria Christina (d) () Military Medal of Spain (en) () Medal of Suffering for the Motherland (d) () Cross of Naval Merit with red badge (d) () Medal of the Peace of Morocco (d) () Commander of the Legion of Honour (en) () Q92114598 (- Grand Cross of the Military Merit - White Badge (d) () Knight Grand Officer of the Order of Saint Hermenegild (d) () War Grand Cross (d) () Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Ferdinand (d) () Grand Collar of the Military Order of the Tower and Sword (d) () Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Alfonso X (d) () Grand Cross of the Royal and Military Order of Saint Hermenegild (d) () Q92226898 (- Q43534190 () Medal of Work Merit (en) (- Supreme Order of Christ () Grand Cross of the Sash of the Three Orders (d) () Battle of Lepanto 4th Centenary Medal (d) () |
Franco li Ferrol, Galîsya, wek zarokeke malbatek leşkerî ya çîna jorîn de ji dayik bû û di Artêşa Spanî de wekî kadet di Akademiya Piyade ya Toledo de ji sala 1907an heya sala 1910an de xizmet kir. Dema ku li Maroko xizmet dikir, di sala 1926an de bi 33 saliya xwe di refên bilind de bû lîwayê giştî. Vê yekê ew kir generalê herî ciwan li hemû Ewropayê. Du sal şûnda, Franco bû rêvebirê Akademiya Leşkerî ya Giştî li Zaragoza. Wek kevneperest û monarşîst, Franco ji rakirina keyîtî û damezrandina Komara Duyemîn a di sala 1931an de poşman bû û bi girtina akademiya xwe wêran bû; lê dîsa jî di nava Artêşa Komarê de xizmeta xwe domand.[2] Kariyera wî piştî ku partiyên rastgir CEDA û PRR di hilbijartina 1933an de bi ser ketin, wî hêz da tepeserkirina serhildana Asturias a 1934an . Franco bi kurtî bû Serfermandarê artêşê berî ku di hilbijartinên 1936an de Eniya Gelêrî ya çepgir bikeve desthilatdariyê, û wî berbi Giravên Kanarya veguhezîne. Dû re beşdarî darbeya leşkerî ya tîrmeha 1936an bû, lê wî nekarî Spanyayê bigire, û ev bû sedema şerê navxweyî yê Spanyayê.