Erasmus Darwin (jdb. 12ê kanûna pêşîn a 1731 - m. 18ê nîsana 1802) bijîşkekî îngilîz e. Yekê muhimtirê fikirdarê Ronîbuna birminghamê ye û jixwe him fîlozofê xwezayî him endamerkzan him dahêher û helbestvan him jî xebatkarê rakirina tîcareta koletî, bu . Zefê helbestên wî li ser dîroka tabîatê ye û ramanê xwe li ser Pêşveçûn û hemû formên jiyan dihundirîne. Darwin endama Malbata Darwin–Wedgwood bu ku ew malbat Charles Darwin û Francis Galtonê dihundirîne. Li ser daxwaznameyê George III Darwin bijîşkê qralê bu.

Erasmus Darwin
Erasmus Darwin 1792–1793, tabloya boyaxa neftî ya destnîgar Joseph Wrightê,
Navê rastî
Erasmus Robert Darwin
Jidayikbûn12ê kanûna pêşîn a 1731ê
Elston Hall, Elston, Nottinghamshirenêzîkê Newark-on-Trent, Îngilistan
Mirin18ê nîsana 1802an (70 salî)
Breadsall, Derby, îngilistan
ZarokCharles Darwin (medical student)
Erasmus Darwin II
Elizabeth Darwin
Robert Waring Darwin
William Alvey Darwin
Dê û bav
MalbatMalbata Darwin–Wedgwood

Mala wî îro


Mala Darwin îro jî heye û wek muzeyeke hatîye zivirandin û bo xebatên darwin hatîye nezirkirin. Mala wî li ser kar û armanca wî tê bikar anîn.

Mala Darwin li Lichfield, niha muzeyekê bo xebatên Darwin hatîye nezirkirin .
Joseph Wrightê Derby, Erasmus Darwin (1770;li Muzeya Birminghamê).

Berhemên Çapkirî

  • Erasmus Darwin, A Botanical Society at Lichfield. A System of Vegetables, according to their classes, orders... translated from the 13th edition of Linnaeus' Systema Vegetabiliium. 2 vols., 1783, Lichfield, J. Jackson, for Leigh and Sotheby, London.
  • Erasmus Darwin, A Botanical Society at Lichfield. The Families of Plants with their natural characters...Translated from the last edition of Linnaeus' Genera Plantarum. 1787, Lichfield, J. Jackson, for J. Johnson, London.
  • Erasmus Darwin, The Botanic Garden, Part I, The Economy of Vegetation. 1791 London, J. Johnson.
  • Part II, The Loves of the Plants. 1789, London, J. Johnson.
  • Erasmus Darwin, Zoonomia; or, The Laws of Organic Life, 1794, Part I. London, J. Johnson,
  • Part I–III. 1796, London, J. Johnson.
  • Darwin, Erasmus (1797). A plan for the conduct of female education, in boarding schools, private families, and public seminaries. By Erasmus Darwin, M.D. F.R.S. author of Zoonomia, and of The botanic garden. ; To which are added, Rudiments of taste, in a series of letters from a mother to her daughters. ; Embellished with an elegant frontispiece (4to, 128 pages). Derby: J. Johnson. Roja gihiştinê 5 adar 2015. {{cite book}}: |ref=harv ne derbasdar e (alîkarî) (last two leaves contain a book list, an apology for the work, and an advert for "Miss Parkers School".)
  • Erasmus Darwin, Phytologia; or, The Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening. 1800, London, J. Johnson.
  • Erasmus Darwin, The Temple of Nature; or, The Origin of Society. 1803, London, J. Johnson.

Dara malbatê
