Li jêr lîsteyeke kesên ku sernavê hostayê sedrencê (bi inglîzî: grandmaster (GM)) bi dest xistin hene. Sernav ji aliyê Federasyona Sedrencê ya Cîhanî (FIDE ) ve tê dîyarîkirin. Ji xeynî şampiyona dinyayê, hostayê sedrencê sernavekî herî mezin e ku sendrencbazek dikare bi dest bixe. Sernav heta mirinê tê dîyarîkirin lê belê qaydeyên FIDEyê destûr dide ku ev sernav were rakirin eger hîle yan jî xapandin hebe. FIDEyêsernavên hostayê sedrencê diyarî kirne, sê sernavên ku hatine rakirin ne tê de.
Hostayên sedrencê
biguhêreNavên sedrencbazan bi giştî bi awayê ku di qeydên FIDEyê de xuya dibin hatine lîstekirin. Herçiqas qeydên FIDEyê navan li gorî alfabeya îngilîzî sade bike, li jêr herfên bi herekeyan li kû derê hewce be hatine bikaranîn. Wextê ku nav an jî nivîsînên navên sedrencbazan hatine guherîn, ê ku herî nû ye
When player names or spellings have changed, the most recent is used even if it is different than that when the title was awarded which is then listed in the Notes column. Variants in transliteration such as "Alexei" vs. "Alexey" are not mentioned.
FIDE has issued ID codes since 1998; some older grandmasters were never assigned an ID. For living grandmasters, this field is a weblink to the FIDE Chess Profile page which usually gives the year the GM title was awarded and the player's birth year. FIDE IDs for deceased grandmasters are retained in this table to aid matching with older FIDE records such as the FIDE rating lists.
Title Year is the year FIDE officially awarded the title. Sometimes this may be a year after the player completed the final Şablon:Chessgloss requirements for the title. In a few cases (e.g. Esteban Canal), the title was awarded retrospectively, many years after the relevant achievements.
The player's federation is stated at the time the GM title was awarded. If the player later changed federations, this is listed in Notes.
The Notes column gives the entire row's sources and those from 1950 to 2016 are equally in Chess International Titleholders, 1950–2016 by Di Felice.[1]
- ^ Di Felice, Gino (2017), Chess International Titleholders, 1950–2016, McFarland, ISBN 978-1-4766-7132-1