
Gundekî li bakurê Sûriyê/rojavayê Kurdistanê
(Ji Til Erbîd hat beralîkirin)

Tilerbîd, (bi erebî تل عربيد, Tel Arbid) şûnwareke dîrokî ye li baskê Xabûr li bakurê Sûriyê. Rûniştina yekem di hezarsala sêyem a berî zayînê de çêbû. Bicîanînî jî di salên paş de pêk hat. Girê sereke û çar girên biçûk ên li derdora wê bi vî rengî hatine bicihkirin. Girê mezin 30 metre bilind e û her pênc gir bi hev re rûberek ji 38 hektaran digire. Li ser girê sereke gelek tiştên ji wextê mîtanî û akadî û dewletên paşerojê ji Mezopotamya hatine dîtin.

Tilerbîd (li vir "Arbid")

Eşîrên Tilerbîdê



  • Maciej Makowski: Zoomorphic Clay Figurines from Tell Arbid. Preliminary Report, in: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 24,1 (2015) 627–656.
  • Krystyna Wasylikowa, Rafał Koliński: The Role of Plants in the Economy of Tell Arbid, North-East Syria, in the Post-Akkadian Period and Middle Bronze Age, in: Acta Palaeobotanica 53,2 (2013) 263–293.
  • Piotr Bieliński: Tell Arbid 2008–2009. Preliminary Report on the Results of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Seasons of Polish-Syrian Excavations (= Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 21), S. 511–536.
  • Alicja Moskalewska-Lasota, Anna Gręzak, Teresa Tomek: Animal Remains from the Mitanni Grave at Tell Arbid, in: Damaszener Mitteilungen 15 (2006) 101–104.
  • Piotr Bieliński: Tell Arbid: The 2003 campaign of Polish-Syrian excavations preliminary report (= Polish archaeology in the Mediterranean, 15), S. 335–353, 2003.
  • Piotr Bieliński: Tell Arbid: The seventh season of excavations: Preliminary report (= Polish archaeology in the Mediterranean, 14), 301–314, 2002.
  • Piotr Bieliński: Tell Arbid: The sixth campaign of excavations preliminary report (= Polish archaeology in the Mediterranean, 13), S. 279–294, 2001.
  • Piotr Bieliński: Tell Arbid: Interim report of the fifth season (= Polish archaeology in the Mediterranean, 12), S. 315–326, 2000.
  • Piotr Bieliński: Tell Arbid: Preliminary report 1998 (= Polish archaeology in the Mediterranean, 10), S. 205–216, 1998.

Girêdanên derve
