Modul:Navseasoncats/ceribandin: Cudahiya di navbera guhartoyan de

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Balyozxane (gotûbêj | beşdarî)
BKurteya guhartinê tine
Balyozxane (gotûbêj | beşdarî)
B @User:Ghybu Çima "an" lê zêde dike, tu dikarî lê binêrî Şablon:Navseasoncats/nimûne2
Rêz 1115:
string.match(firstpart, 'hezarsala')
local tspace = ' ' --assume a trailing space after ordinal
if string.match(lastpart, '^[anê]-]') then tspace = '' end --DNE for "19th-century"-type cats
--AD/BC switches & vars
Rêz 1198:
lastpart = string.gsub(lastpart, lastpart, BC) --replace BC if needed
local catlink = catlinkfollowr( firstpart..' '..oth..tspace ''..lastpart, o..BCdisp )
if (minord <= osign) and (osign <= maxord) then
if catlink[3] and avoidself then --a {{Category redirect}} was followed
Line 1211 ⟶ 1212:
elseif BC == '' and minord <= osign and osign <= maxord then --e.g. >= "1st parliament"
local catlink = catlinkfollowr( firstpart..' '..oth..tspace ''..lastpart, o )
if catlink[3] and avoidself then --a {{Category redirect}} was followed
misctrackingcats[17] = '[['..testcasecolon..'Kategorî:Navseasoncats nordinal redirected]]'
Line 1340 ⟶ 1341:
local nordinal = mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s](%d+[anê])[%s]') or
mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s](%d+[anê])$') or
mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s](%d+)[anê])%s') or
mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s](%d+)[anêê])') or
mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s](%d+)[an]')
local decade = mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s](%d+î)[%s-]') or