Beşdariyên ji bo JuTa
Results for JuTa gotûbêj astengkirina têketinê yên barkirî têketin global block log global account abuse log
Bikarhênerekî bi 3 guhartinan. Hesab di 1 tebax 2010 de hatiye çêkirin.
4 hezîran 2021
- 10:3010:30, 4 hezîran 2021 cudahî dîrok −13 B Korean Broadcasting System (GR) Duplicate: File:Korean Broadcasting System.svg → File:Logo KBS 1984.svg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Logo KBS 1984.svg
9 hezîran 2018
- 08:5408:54, 9 hezîran 2018 cudahî dîrok 0 B Muzeya Çanda Filistînî ya Corinne Mamane (GR) Duplicate: File:Museum of Philistine Culture, Ashdod 02.jpg → File:Museum of Philistine Culture, Ashdod 01.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Museum of Philistine Culture, Ashdod 01.jpg
13 tebax 2015
- 21:4621:46, 13 tebax 2015 cudahî dîrok +32 Elî Ekber Muradî +commonscat