Dosyeya orjînal (1239 × 1754 pixel, mezinbûnê data: 101 KB, MIME-typ: application/pdf)

বাংলা: কোরআনের ৮১ নং সূরা
العربية: سورة التكوير من برنامج مصحف المدينة المنورة للنشر الحاسوبي
English: Sura 81
Dîrok 10 nîsan 2009 (upload date)
Çavkanî Min çêkir
Xwedî Prepared by Obayd based on PD text from the Mushaf al-Madina software
(Dîsa bikaranînê vê dosyeye)
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motîv Kurdish (Latin script) (transliterated)

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kurteya navê nivîskarî Kurdish (Latin script) (transliterated): Obayd
URL Kurdish (Latin script) (transliterated):

destûr Kurdish (Latin script) (transliterated)

dema avabûnê Kurdish (Latin script) (transliterated)

10 nîsan 2009

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niha01:17, 10 nîsan 2009Versiyona biçûkkirî yê 01:17, 10 nîsan 20091239 x 1754 (101 KB)Obayd{{Information |Description={{ar|1=سورة من برنامج مصحف المدينة المنورة للنشر الحاسوبي}} {{en|1=Sura }} |Source=Own work by uploader |Date=10/04/2009 |Author=Prepared by Obayd based on PD text from

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