Modul:Nifûsa tarîxî/Wîkîdane
(Ji Modul:Historical populations/Wîkîdane hat beralîkirin)
Belgekirina modulê[nîşan bide] [biguhêre] [dîrokê bibîne] [rojane bike]
Ev modul teqrîben li ser 42.000 rûpelan tê bikaranîn û dibe ku guhartin bi berfirehî were dîtin. Guhartinên xwe li ser binrûpelên modulê yên /ceribandinê yan /testcases, yan jî ceribandina modulê biceribîne. Berî ku guhartinên xwe bi cih binî li ser rûpela gotûbêjê ramana xwe bibêje. |
-- {{nifûsa tarîxî/wd}}
local M = {}
local wikidataIB = require("Modul:WikidataIB")
-- Function to remove HTML tags and unwanted characters from a string
local function cleanString(input)
return mw.ustring.gsub(input, "<[^>]+>", ""):gsub("[^%p%a%s%d]", "")
-- Function to get QID using Modul:WikidataIB
local function getQID()
return wikidataIB.getQid()
-- Function to get references
local function getcavkani(qid)
return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{
title = "wikidata",
args = { "qualifier", "references", "preferred-", qid, "P1082", "P585" }
local function cleanedcavkani(qid)
local cavkani = getcavkani(qid)
-- Adjust the pattern to capture the year directly
local pattern = "%d+%s+([^;]+)%s+(%d+)"
-- Apply the pattern and keep only the captured year
cavkani = cavkani:gsub(pattern, "%2")
-- Split the cavkani string by space " " character
local items = {}
for item in cavkani:gmatch("[^%s]+") do
table.insert(items, item)
-- Check each item if it only consists of numbers and ";"
local cleaned_cavkani = ""
for i, item in ipairs(items) do
if not item:match("^[%d;]+$") then
if i == #items then
-- Remove the semicolon from the last item
item = item:gsub(";", "")
-- If an item does not consist only of numbers and ";", keep it
cleaned_cavkani = cleaned_cavkani .. item .. " "
-- Trim any trailing spaces
cavkani = cleaned_cavkani:gsub("%s+$", "")
cavkani = cavkani:gsub(";", ",")
-- check if cavkani is empty without dates and comma
local cavkanitest = cavkani:gsub("%d*,*%s*", "")
-- Check if cavkani is empty
if cavkanitest == "" then
cavkani = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{
title = "Wîkîdaneyê bibîne",
args = { qid = qid, pid = "P1082" }
return cavkani
function M.formatPopulationData(frame)
local qid = frame.args[1] or frame.args["qid"] or getQID()
local args = frame:getParent().args
local align = args["align"] or args["rêz"] or "left"
local clear = args["clear"] or args["paqijbike"]
local gelhe = args["gelhe"]
local title_name
local popname
if gelhe ~= nil then
popname = "Gelhe"
title_name = "Gelhe li gorî salan"
popname = "Nifûs"
title_name = "Nifûs li gorî salan"
if align == "rast" then
align = "right"
-- Use Modul:WikidataIB to get QID if not specified
if not qid then
return '[[Kategorî:Rûpelên bi Şablon:Nifûsa tarîxî/wd yên vala]]'
-- Expand Wdib template directly
local wdibResult = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{
title = "Wdib",
args = { "P1082", qual = "P585", qid = qid, osd = "no", fwd = "ALL", noicon = "yes" }
local editAtWikidata = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{
title = "editAtWikidata",
args = { qid = qid, pid = "P1082" }
local entries = mw.text.split(wdibResult, ", ")
local historicalPopulationArgs = {}
for _, entry in ipairs(entries) do
local parts = mw.text.split(entry, " ") -- Split each entry by space
local date = mw.ustring.gsub(parts[2] or "", "[()]", "") -- Remove parentheses from the date
local population = parts[1] or ""
if date ~= "" and population ~= "" then
-- Add date and population to historicalPopulationArgs
table.insert(historicalPopulationArgs, { date = date, population = population })
-- Sort the date and population pairs based on the date
table.sort(historicalPopulationArgs, function(a, b) return < end)
-- Check if there is no data
if #historicalPopulationArgs == 0 then
return '[[Kategorî:Rûpelên bi Şablon:Nifûsa tarîxî/wd yên vala]]'
local stun = 1
if #historicalPopulationArgs > 20 then
stun = "2"
local cavkani = cleanedcavkani(qid)
-- Construct Historical Populations template
local templateArgs = {
align = align,
clear = clear,
pop_name = popname,
title = title_name,
source = cavkani .. editAtWikidata,
cols = stun
for _, pair in ipairs(historicalPopulationArgs) do
table.insert(templateArgs, pair.population)
-- Expand Historical Populations template
local historicalPopulationsTemplate = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{
title = "Nifûsa tarîxî",
args = templateArgs
return historicalPopulationsTemplate or "Data not found."
return M