import pywikibot
import re
from pywikibot import pagegenerators
from pywikibot.bot import AutomaticTWSummaryBot, ConfigParserBot, SingleSiteBot
from pywikibot.exceptions import LockedPageError
from kucosmetics import CANCEL, CosmeticChangesToolkit
def reorder_templates_and_remove_categories(text):
# Find and remove Koord or Coord templates
koord_templates = find_koord_templates(text)
text = remove_koord_templates(text)
# Find and remove other templates
template_regex = r'{{\s*([^\}]+\-şitil|[Şş]iti?l|[Kk]urt|[Ss]tub|[Şş]itlek|[^\}]+\-şitil\-[^\}]+)\s*}}'
templates = re.findall(template_regex, text)
text = re.sub(template_regex, '', text)
# Find and remove other templates
template_sitil_regex = r'{{\s*([Şş]itil-[^\}]+)\s*}}'
template_sitil = re.findall(template_sitil_regex, text)
text = re.sub(template_sitil_regex, '', text)
# Find and remove categories
category_regex = r'\[\[Kategorî:[^\]]+\]\]'
categories = re.findall(category_regex, text)
text = re.sub(category_regex, '', text)
# Find and remove DEFAULTSORT
defaultsort_regex = r'{{\s*(DEFAULTSORT:[^}]+|Salê kat bike heke sal hebe)\s*}}'
defaultsort = re.findall(defaultsort_regex, text)
defaultsort = defaultsort[0] if defaultsort else "" # Use an empty string if no DEFAULTSORT is found
text = re.sub(defaultsort_regex, '', text)
return text, koord_templates, templates, categories, defaultsort, template_sitil
def find_koord_templates(text):
# Find Koord or Coord templates
koord_regex = r'{{\s*([Kk]oord|[Cc]oord)\s*\|\s*([^}]+display\s*=\s*title)\s*}}'
return [match[1] for match in re.findall(koord_regex, text)]
def remove_koord_templates(text):
# Remove Koord or Coord templates
koord_regex = r'{{\s*([Kk]oord|[Cc]oord)\s*\|\s*[^}]+display\s*=\s*title\s*}}'
return re.sub(koord_regex, '', text)
def append_templates_and_categories(text, koord_templates, templates, categories, defaultsort, template_sitil):
# Append other text, Koord or Coord templates, DEFAULTSORT, and categories in the specified order
updated_text = text.rstrip('\n\n')
if not re.search(r'\{\{\s*([kK]ontrola otorîtey?ê?|[aA]uthority control|Kontrola otorîte)\s*\}\}', text, re.IGNORECASE):
updated_text += "\n{{Kontrola otorîteyê}}"
if template_sitil and template_sitil != "":
updated_text += "\n"+ '\n'.join('{{' + template_s + '}}' for template_s in template_sitil)
if templates and templates != "":
updated_text += "\n"+'\n'.join('{{' + template + '}}' for template in templates)
if koord_templates and koord_templates != "":
updated_text += "\n"+'\n'.join('{{Koord|' + koord_template + '}}' for koord_template in koord_templates)
if defaultsort and defaultsort != "":
updated_text += '\n' + '{{' + defaultsort + '}}'
if categories and categories != "":
updated_text += '\n\n' + '\n'.join(categories)
# Remove empty lines at the end of the page
updated_text = re.sub(r'\n\n\n*', '\n\n', updated_text)
return updated_text
class AppendTextBot(
summary_key = 'basic-changing'
use_redirects = False
update_options = {
'async': False,
'showdiff': False,
'ignore': CANCEL.MATCH,
def do_kozmetik(self, old_text):
kozmetik_cebu = ""
cc_toolkit = CosmeticChangesToolkit(self.current_page,
new_text, summaries = cc_toolkit.change(old_text)
applies_summaries = ', '.join(summaries.values())
if new_text is not False and new_text != old_text:
kozmetik_cebu = "; paqijiyên kozmetîk"
if applies_summaries:
kozmetik_cebu += f' ({applies_summaries}.)'
return new_text, kozmetik_cebu
def treat_page(self) -> None:
page = self.current_page
page_text = page.text
except LockedPageError:
pywikibot.warning('Page {} is locked?!'
return # Skip locked page
if not page.exists():
print("Page does not exist.")
# Get the categories of the current page
categories = [category.title() for category in page.categories()]
# Check if the page is in the category "Rûpelên cudakirinê"
if 'Kategorî:Rûpelên cudakirinê' in categories:
print(f"Skipping page '{page}' as it is in the category 'Rûpelên cudakirinê'")
if re.search(r'\{\{\s*(kontrola otorîteyê|Authority control|Kontrola otorîte)\s*}}', page_text, re.IGNORECASE):
pywikibot.output("Template already exists. Skipping page.")
# Find and remove templates, categories, etc.
text, koord_templates, templates, categories, defaultsort, template_sitil = reorder_templates_and_remove_categories(page_text)
# Append other text, templates, DEFAULTSORT, and categories in the specified order
updated_text = append_templates_and_categories(text, koord_templates, templates, categories, defaultsort, template_sitil)
cleaned_new_text, kozmetik_cebu = self.do_kozmetik(updated_text)
summary = f"Bot: +{{{{[[Şablon:Kontrola otorîteyê|Kontrola otorîteyê]]}}}} (bnr. [[Taybet:PermanentLink/1295521#Şablona_Kontrola_otorîteyê|gotûbêjê]]){kozmetik_cebu}"
def main(*args: str) -> None:
local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args)
gen_factory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
local_args = gen_factory.handle_args(local_args)
options = {}
# Parse your own command line arguments
for arg in local_args:
arg, _, value = arg.partition(':')
option = arg[1:]
if option in ('-always', '-async', '-showdiff'):
options[option[1:]] = True
elif option == '-ignore':
value = value.upper()
options['ignore'] = getattr(CANCEL, value)
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown ignore mode {value!r}!')
# take the remaining options as booleans.
# You will get a hint if they aren't pre-defined in your bot class
options[option] = True
gen = gen_factory.getCombinedGenerator(preload=True)
if not pywikibot.bot.suggest_help(missing_generator=not gen):
bot = AppendTextBot(generator=gen, **options)
if __name__ == '__main__':