Template | Description / use
{{age in years, months, weeks and days}} | Number of complete years, months, weeks and days between two dates.
{{age in years, months and days}} | Number of complete years, months and days between two dates.
{{age in years and months}} | Number of complete years and remaining months between two dates.
{{age in years and days}} | Number of complete years and remaining days between two dates.
{{age in years and days nts}} | {{age in years and days}} with output formatted for use in sortable tables.
{{age in decimal years}} | Number of years between two dates, rounded to the specified number of decimal places.
{{age in years}} | Number of years between two dates.
{{age in years nts}} | {{age in years}} with output formatted for use in sortable tables.
{{age in months}} | Number of months between two dates.
{{age in weeks and days}} | Number of weeks and days between two dates.
{{age in weeks}} | Number of weeks between two dates.
{{age in days}} | Age in days between two dates.
{{age in days nts}} | {{age in days}} with output formatted for use in sortable tables.