
Zanibe: Piştî weşandinê, ji bo dîtina guhartinan dibe ku hewce be "cache"ya geroka xwe paqij bikî.

  • Firefox / Safari: Pê li Shift û Reload bike an jî Ctrl-F5 an Ctrl-R bike (ji bo Mac: ⌘-R)
  • Google Chrome: Pê li Ctrl-Shift-R (ji bo Mac: ⌘-Shift-R) bike
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Pê li Ctrl û Refresh bike, an jî Ctrl-F5 bike
  • Opera: Pê li Ctrl-F5 bike.
/*Ji [[en:User:Evad37/rater]] hatiye kopîkirin
 * Rater: dialog interface to add, remove, or modify WikiProject banners
 * Author: Evad37
 * Licence: MIT / CC-BY 4.0 []
 * Built from source code at GitHub repository [].
 * All changes should be made in the repository, otherwise they will be lost.
 * To update this script from github, you must have a local repository set up. Then
 * follow the instructions at []
/* jshint esversion: 5, laxbreak: true, undef: true, eqnull: true, maxerr: 3000 */
/* globals console, document, window, $, mw, OO, extraJs */
/* <nowiki> */
! function r(e, n, t) {
    function o(i, f) {
        if (!n[i]) {
            if (!e[i]) {
                var c = "function" == typeof require && require;
                if (!f && c) return c(i, !0);
                if (u) return u(i, !0);
                var a = new Error("Cannot find module '" + i + "'");
                throw a.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", a
            var p = n[i] = {
                exports: {}
            e[i][0].call(p.exports, function(r) {
                return o(e[i][1][r] || r)
            }, p, p.exports, r, e, n, t)
        return n[i].exports
    for (var u = "function" == typeof require && require, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) o(t[i]);
    return o
    1: [function(require, module, exports) {
        module.exports = {
            name: "rater",
            version: "2.7.1",
            description: "Wikipedia userscript that helps assess pages for WikiProjects",
            homepage: "",
            browser: "index.js",
            scripts: {
                test: 'echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1',
                "lint:es5": "jshint index.js",
                "lint:es6": 'eslint index.js "rater-src/**"',
                "lint:fix": 'eslint index.js "rater-src/**" --fix',
                lint: "npm run lint:es6 && npm run lint:es5",
                "build:bundle": "browserify rater-src/App.js --debug -t babelify --outfile dist/rater.js",
                "build:minify": "uglifyjs dist/rater.js --compress -b ascii_only=true,beautify=false --output dist/rater.min.js",
                "build:concat": 'concat-cli -f "comment-top.js" dist/rater.min.js "comment-bottom.js" -o dist/rater.min.js',
                build: "npm run lint && npm run build:bundle && npm run build:minify && npm run build:concat"
            author: {
                name: "Evad37",
                url: ""
            repository: {
                type: "git",
                url: ""
            license: "(MIT OR CC-BY-4.0)",
            devDependencies: {
                "@babel/core": "^7.9.0",
                "@babel/preset-env": "^7.9.0",
                babelify: "^10.0.0",
                browserify: "^16.5.0",
                "concat-cli": "^4.0.0",
                eslint: "^6.8.0",
                jshint: "^2.11.0",
                "uglify-js": "^3.8.0"
    }, {}],
    2: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";
        var stylesheet, showSetupError, _setup = _interopRequireDefault(require("./setup")),
            _autostart = _interopRequireDefault(require("./autostart")),
            _css = _interopRequireDefault(require("./css.js")),
            _api = require("./api"),
            _windowManager = _interopRequireDefault(require("./windowManager"));

        function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
            return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
                default: obj

        function showMainWindow(data) {
            data && data.success && (stylesheet ? stylesheet.disabled = !1 : stylesheet = mw.util.addCSS(_css.default), document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].classList.add("rater-mainWindow-open"), _windowManager.default.openWindow("main", data).closed.then(function(result) {
                if (stylesheet && (stylesheet.disabled = !0), document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].classList.remove("rater-mainWindow-open"), result && result.restart) _windowManager.default.removeWindows(["main"]).then(_setup.default).then(showMainWindow, showSetupError);
                else if (result && result.success) {
                    var $message = $("<span>").append($("<strong>").text("Nirxandin hat qeydkirin."));
                    result.upgradedStub && $message.append($("<br>"), $("<span>").text("Hay jê hebe, di gotarê de şablona Şitil heye .")), mw.notify($message, {
                        autoHide: !0,
                        autoHideSeconds: "long",
                        tag: "Rater-saved"
        showSetupError = function(code, jqxhr) {
            return OO.ui.alert((0, _api.makeErrorMsg)(code, jqxhr), {
                title: "Rater failed to open"
        }, mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", "#", "Rater", "ca-rater", "Rate quality and importance", "5"), $("#ca-rater").click(function(event) {
            event.preventDefault(), (0, _setup.default)().then(showMainWindow, showSetupError)
        }), (0, _autostart.default)().then(showMainWindow)
    }, {
        "./api": 15,
        "./autostart": 16,
        "./css.js": 19,
        "./setup": 22,
        "./windowManager": 24
    3: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";

        function _typeof(obj) {
            return (_typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(obj) {
                return typeof obj
            } : function(obj) {
                return obj && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.getWithRedirectTo = exports.parseTemplates = exports.Template = void 0;
        var _api = _interopRequireDefault(require("./api")),
            _util = require("./util"),
            _config = _interopRequireDefault(require("./config")),
            cache = function(obj) {
                if (obj && obj.__esModule) return obj;
                if (null === obj || "object" !== _typeof(obj) && "function" != typeof obj) return {
                    default: obj
                var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache();
                if (cache && cache.has(obj)) return cache.get(obj);
                var newObj = {},
                    hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
                for (var key in obj)
                    if (, key)) {
                        var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null;
                        desc && (desc.get || desc.set) ? Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc) : newObj[key] = obj[key]
                    } newObj.default = obj, cache && cache.set(obj, newObj);
                return newObj

        function _getRequireWildcardCache() {
            if ("function" != typeof WeakMap) return null;
            var cache = new WeakMap;
            return _getRequireWildcardCache = function() {
                return cache
            }, cache

        function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
            return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
                default: obj

        function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
            return function(arr) {
                if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr)
            }(arr) || function(iter) {
                if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter)
            }(arr) || function(o, minLen) {
                if (!o) return;
                if ("string" == typeof o) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
                var n =, -1);
                "Object" === n && o.constructor && (n =;
                if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(n);
                if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen)
            }(arr) || function() {
                throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")

        function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
            (null == len || len > arr.length) && (len = arr.length);
            for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
            return arr2
        var Template = function(wikitext) {
            this.wikitext = wikitext, this.parameters = [], this.pipeStyle = " |", this.equalsStyle = "=", this.endBracesStyle = "}}"
        (exports.Template = Template).prototype.addParam = function(name, val, wikitext) {
                name: name,
                value: val,
                wikitext: "|" + wikitext
        }, Template.prototype.getParam = function(paramName) {
            return this.parameters.find(function(p) {
                return == paramName
        }, Template.prototype.setName = function(name) {
   = name.trim()
        }, Template.prototype.getTitle = function() {
            return mw.Title.newFromText("Şablon:" +
        exports.parseTemplates = function parseTemplates(wikitext, recursive) {
            if (!wikitext) return [];
            for (var startIdx, strReplaceAt = function(string, index, _char) {
                    return string.slice(0, index) + _char + string.slice(index + 1)
                }, result = [], processTemplateText = function(startIdx, endIdx) {
                    for (var text = wikitext.slice(startIdx, endIdx), template = new Template("{{" + text.replace(/\x01/g, "|") + "}}");
                        /(\[\[[^\]]*?)\|(.*?\]\])/g.test(text);) text = text.replace(/(\[\[[^\]]*?)\|(.*?\]\])/g, "$1\x01$2");
                    template.pipeStyle = (0, _util.mostFrequent)(text.match(/[\s\n]*\|[\s\n]*/g)) || " |", template.equalsStyle = (0, _util.mostFrequent)(text.replace(/(=[^|]*)=+/g, "$1").match(/[\s\n]*=[\s\n]*/g)) || "=";
                    var endSpacing = text.match(/[\s\n]*$/);
                    template.endBracesStyle = (endSpacing ? endSpacing[0] : "") + "}}";
                    var chunks = text.split("|").map(function(chunk) {
                        return chunk.replace(/\x01/g, "|")
                    var parameterChunks = chunks.slice(1),
                        unnamedIdx = 1;
                    parameterChunks.forEach(function(chunk) {
                        var pName, pNum, pVal, indexOfEqualTo = chunk.indexOf("="),
                            indexOfOpenBraces = chunk.indexOf("{{"),
                            isWithoutEquals = !chunk.includes("="),
                            hasBracesBeforeEquals = chunk.includes("{{") && indexOfOpenBraces < indexOfEqualTo;
                        if (isWithoutEquals || hasBracesBeforeEquals) {
                            for (; template.getParam(unnamedIdx);) unnamedIdx++;
                            pNum = unnamedIdx, pVal = chunk.trim()
                        } else pName = chunk.slice(0, indexOfEqualTo).trim(), pVal = chunk.slice(indexOfEqualTo + 1).trim();
                        template.addParam(pName || pNum, pVal, chunk)
                    }), result.push(template)
                }, n = wikitext.length, numUnclosed = 0, inComment = !1, inNowiki = !1, inParameter = !1, i = 0; i < n; i++) inComment || inNowiki || inParameter ? "|" === wikitext[i] ? wikitext = strReplaceAt(wikitext, i, "\x01") : /^-->/.test(wikitext.slice(i, i + 3)) ? (inComment = !1, i += 2) : /^<\/nowiki ?>/.test(wikitext.slice(i, i + 10)) ? (inNowiki = !1, i += 8) : "}" === wikitext[i] && "}" === wikitext[i + 1] && "}" === wikitext[i + 2] && (inParameter = !1, i += 2) : "{" === wikitext[i] && "{" === wikitext[i + 1] && "{" === wikitext[i + 2] && "{" !== wikitext[i + 3] ? (inParameter = !0, i += 2) : "{" === wikitext[i] && "{" === wikitext[i + 1] ? (0 === numUnclosed && (startIdx = i + 2), numUnclosed += 2, i++) : "}" === wikitext[i] && "}" === wikitext[i + 1] ? (2 === numUnclosed && processTemplateText(startIdx, i), numUnclosed -= 2, i++) : "|" === wikitext[i] && 2 < numUnclosed ? wikitext = strReplaceAt(wikitext, i, "\x01") : /^<!--/.test(wikitext.slice(i, i + 4)) ? (inComment = !0, i += 3) : /^<nowiki ?>/.test(wikitext.slice(i, i + 9)) && (inNowiki = !0, i += 7);
            if (recursive) {
                var subtemplates = (0, _util.filterAndMap)(result, function(template) {
                    return /\{\{(?:.|\n)*\}\}/.test(template.wikitext.slice(2, -2))
                }, function(template) {
                    return parseTemplates(template.wikitext.slice(2, -2), !0)
                return result.concat.apply(result, subtemplates)
            return result
        exports.getWithRedirectTo = function(templates) {
            var templatesArray = Array.isArray(templates) ? templates : [templates];
            return 0 === templatesArray.length ? $.Deferred().resolve([]) : _api.default.get({
                action: "query",
                format: "json",
                titles: (0, _util.filterAndMap)(templatesArray, function(template) {
                    return null !== template.getTitle()
                }, function(template) {
                    return template.getTitle().getPrefixedText()
                redirects: 1
            }).then(function(result) {
                return result && result.query ? (result.query.redirects && result.query.redirects.forEach(function(redirect) {
                    var i = templatesArray.findIndex(function(template) {
                        var title = template.getTitle();
                        return title && title.getPrefixedText() === redirect.from
                    }); - 1 !== i && (templatesArray[i].redirectTarget = mw.Title.newFromText(
                }), Array.isArray(templates) ? templatesArray : templatesArray[0]) : $.Deferred().reject("Empty response")
        }, Template.prototype.getDataForParam = function(key, paraName) {
            if (!this.paramData) return null;
            var para = this.paramAliases[paraName] || paraName;
            if (this.paramData[para]) {
                var data = this.paramData[para][key];
                return data && data.en && !Array.isArray(data) ? data.en : data
        }, Template.prototype.isShellTemplate = function() {
            var mainText = this.redirectTarget ? this.redirectTarget.getMainText() : this.getTitle().getMainText();
            return _config.default.shellTemplates.includes(mainText)
        }, Template.prototype.setParamDataAndSuggestions = function() {
            var self = this,
                paramDataSet = $.Deferred();
            if (self.paramData) return paramDataSet.resolve();
            var prefixedText = self.redirectTarget ? self.redirectTarget.getPrefixedText() : self.getTitle().getPrefixedText(),
                cachedInfo = + "-params");
            return cachedInfo && cachedInfo.value && cachedInfo.staleDate && null != cachedInfo.value.paramData && null != cachedInfo.value.parameterSuggestions && null != cachedInfo.value.paramAliases && (self.notemplatedata = cachedInfo.value.notemplatedata, self.paramData = cachedInfo.value.paramData, self.parameterSuggestions = cachedInfo.value.parameterSuggestions, self.paramAliases = cachedInfo.value.paramAliases, paramDataSet.resolve(), !(0, _util.isAfterDate)(cachedInfo.staleDate)) || _api.default.get({
                action: "templatedata",
                titles: prefixedText,
                redirects: 1,
                includeMissingTitles: 1
            }).then(function(response) {
                return response
            }, function() {
                return null
            }).then(function(result) {
                var id = result && $.map(result.pages, function(_value, key) {
                    return key
                result && result.pages[id] && !result.pages[id].notemplatedata && result.pages[id].params ? self.paramData = result.pages[id].params : (self.notemplatedata = !0, self.templatedataApiError = !result, self.paramData = _config.default.defaultParameterData), self.paramAliases = {}, $.each(self.paramData, function(paraName, paraData) {
                    if (paraData.aliases && paraData.aliases.length && paraData.aliases.forEach(function(alias) {
                            self.paramAliases[alias] = paraName
                        }), paraData.description && /\[.*'.+?'.*?\]/.test(paraData.description.en)) try {
                        var allowedVals = JSON.parse(paraData.description.en.replace(/^.*\[/, "[").replace(/"/g, '\\"').replace(/'/g, '"').replace(/,\s*]/, "]").replace(/].*$/, "]"));
                        self.paramData[paraName].allowedValues = allowedVals
                    } catch (e) {
                        console.warn("[Rater] Could not parse allowed values in description:\n  " + paraData.description.en + "\n Check TemplateData for parameter |" + paraName + "= in " + self.getTitle().getPrefixedText())
                var allParamsArray = !self.notemplatedata && result.pages[id].paramOrder || $.map(self.paramData, function(_val, key) {
                    return key
                return self.parameterSuggestions = allParamsArray.filter(function(paramName) {
                    return paramName && "sinif" !== paramName && "muhîmî" !== paramName
                }).map(function(paramName) {
                    var optionObject = {
                            data: paramName
                        label = self.getDataForParam(label, paramName);
                    return label && (optionObject.label = label + " (|" + paramName + "=)"), optionObject
                }), self.templatedataApiError || cache.write(prefixedText + "-params", {
                    notemplatedata: self.notemplatedata,
                    paramData: self.paramData,
                    parameterSuggestions: self.parameterSuggestions,
                    paramAliases: self.paramAliases
                }, 1), !0
            }).then(paramDataSet.resolve, paramDataSet.reject), paramDataSet
        Template.prototype.addMissingParams = function() {
            var thisTemplate = this;
            if (("WikiProject Biography" === this.getTitle().getMainText() || this.redirectTarget && "WikiProject Biography" === this.redirectTarget.getMainText()) && !this.getParam("listas")) {
                var subjectTitle = mw.Title.newFromText(;
                    name: "listas",
                    value: function(subjectTitle) {
                        var name = subjectTitle.getMainText().replace(/\s\(.*\)/, "");
                        if (-1 === name.indexOf(" ")) return name;
                        var generationalSuffix = "";
                        return / (?:[JS]r.?|[IVX]+)$/.test(name) && (generationalSuffix = name.slice(name.lastIndexOf(" ")), -1 === (name = name.slice(0, name.lastIndexOf(" "))).indexOf(" ")) ? name + generationalSuffix : name.slice(name.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1).replace(/,$/, "") + ", " + name.slice(0, name.lastIndexOf(" ")) + generationalSuffix
                    autofilled: !0
            return $.each(thisTemplate.paramData, function(paraName, paraData) {
                if ((paraData.required || paraData.suggested) && !thisTemplate.getParam(paraName)) {
                    if (paraData.aliases.length)
                        if (thisTemplate.parameters.filter(function(p) {
                                var isAlias = paraData.aliases.includes(,
                                    isEmpty = !p.value;
                                return isAlias && !isEmpty
                            }).length) return;
                        name: paraName,
                        value: paraData.autovalue || null,
                        autofilled: !0
            }), thisTemplate
        }, Template.prototype.setClassesAndImportances = function() {
            var _this = this,
                parsed = $.Deferred();
            if (this.isShellTemplate()) return this.classes = _toConsumableArray(_config.default.bannerDefaults.classes), parsed.resolve();
            if (this.classes && this.importances || this.withoutRatings) return parsed.resolve();
            var mainText = this.getTitle().getMainText(),
                redirectTargetOrMainText = this.redirectTarget ? this.redirectTarget.getMainText() : mainText;
            if (_config.default.customBanners[redirectTargetOrMainText]) return this.classes = _config.default.customBanners[redirectTargetOrMainText].classes, this.importances = _config.default.customBanners[redirectTargetOrMainText].importances, parsed.resolve();
            var cachedRatings = + "-ratings");
            if (cachedRatings && cachedRatings.value && cachedRatings.staleDate && null != cachedRatings.value.classes && null != cachedRatings.value.importances && (this.classes = cachedRatings.value.classes, this.importances = cachedRatings.value.importances, parsed.resolve(), !(0, _util.isAfterDate)(cachedRatings.staleDate))) return parsed;
            var wikitextToParse = "";
            return _config.default.bannerDefaults.extendedClasses.forEach(function(classname, index) {
                wikitextToParse += "{{" + mainText + "|sinif=" + classname + "|muhîmî=" + (_config.default.bannerDefaults.extendedImportances[index] || "") + "}}/n"
            }), _api.default.get({
                action: "parse",
                title: "Talk:Sandbox",
                text: wikitextToParse,
                prop: "categorieshtml"
            }).then(function(result) {
                var catsHtml = result.parse.categorieshtml["*"],
                    extendedClasses = _config.default.bannerDefaults.extendedClasses.filter(function(cl) {
                        return -1 !== catsHtml.indexOf("sinifa " + cl)
                return _this.classes = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(_config.default.bannerDefaults.classes), _toConsumableArray(extendedClasses)), _this.importances = _config.default.bannerDefaults.extendedImportances.filter(function(imp) {
                    return -1 !== catsHtml.indexOf("muhîmiya " + imp)
                }), cache.write(mainText + "-ratings", {
                    classes: _this.classes,
                    importances: _this.importances
                }, 1), !0
    }, {
        "./api": 15,
        "./cache": 17,
        "./config": 18,
        "./util": 23
    4: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;
        var _config = _interopRequireDefault(require("../../config")),
            _BannerWidget = _interopRequireDefault(require("./BannerWidget")),
            _util = require("../../util"),
            _ParameterWidget = _interopRequireDefault(require("./ParameterWidget"));

        function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
            return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
                default: obj

        function _slicedToArray(arr, i) {
            return function(arr) {
                if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr
            }(arr) || function(arr, i) {
                if ("undefined" == typeof Symbol || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr))) return;
                var _arr = [],
                    _n = !0,
                    _d = !1,
                    _e = void 0;
                try {
                    for (var _s, _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](); !(_n = (_s = && (_arr.push(_s.value), !i || _arr.length !== i); _n = !0);
                } catch (err) {
                    _d = !0, _e = err
                } finally {
                    try {
                        _n || null == _i.return || _i.return()
                    } finally {
                        if (_d) throw _e
                return _arr
            }(arr, i) || function(o, minLen) {
                if (!o) return;
                if ("string" == typeof o) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
                var n =, -1);
                "Object" === n && o.constructor && (n =;
                if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(n);
                if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen)
            }(arr, i) || function() {
                throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")

        function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
            (null == len || len > arr.length) && (len = arr.length);
            for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
            return arr2

        function BannerListWidget(config) {
            config = config || {},, config),, {
                $group: this.$element
            }), this.$element.addClass("rater-bannerListWidget").css({
                padding: "20px 10px 16px 10px"
            }), this.preferences = config.preferences, this.oresClass = config.oresClass, this.changed = !1, this.aggregate({
                remove: "bannerRemove"
            }), this.connect(this, {
                bannerRemove: "onBannerRemove"
            }), this.aggregate({
                changed: "bannerChanged"
            }), this.connect(this, {
                bannerChanged: "setChanged"
            }), this.aggregate({
                biographyBannerChange: "biographyBannerChanged"
            }), this.connect(this, {
                biographyBannerChanged: "syncShellTemplateWithBiographyBanner"
            }), this.aggregate({
                updatedSize: "bannerUpdatedSize"
            }), this.connect(this, {
                bannerUpdatedSize: "onUpdatedSize"
        OO.inheritClass(BannerListWidget, OO.ui.Widget), OO.mixinClass(BannerListWidget, OO.ui.mixin.GroupElement), BannerListWidget.prototype.onUpdatedSize = function() {
        }, BannerListWidget.prototype.setChanged = function() {
            this.changed = !0
        }, BannerListWidget.prototype.onBannerRemove = function(banner) {
            this.removeItems([banner]), this.setChanged()
        }, BannerListWidget.prototype.syncShellTemplateWithBiographyBanner = function(biographyBanner) {
            if (biographyBanner = biographyBanner || this.items.find(function(banner) {
                    return "WikiProject Biography" === banner.mainText || "WikiProject Biography" === banner.redirectTargetMainText
                })) {
                var bannerShellTemplate = this.items.find(function(banner) {
                    return banner.mainText === _config.default.shellTemplates[0] || banner.redirectTargetMainText === _config.default.shellTemplates[0]
                if (bannerShellTemplate) {
                        name: "living",
                        normalise: !0
                    }, {
                        name: "blpo",
                        normalise: !0
                    }, {
                        name: "activepol",
                        normalise: !0
                    }, {
                        name: "listas",
                        normalise: !1
                    }].forEach(function(paramToSync) {
                        var _map2 = _slicedToArray([biographyBanner, bannerShellTemplate].map(function(banner) {
                                return banner.parameterList.getParameterItems().find(function(parameter) {
                                    return === || banner.paramAliases[] ===
                            }), 2),
                            biographyParam = _map2[0],
                            shellParam = _map2[1];
                        if (biographyParam) {
                            var paramSyncValue = paramToSync.normalise ? (0, _util.normaliseYesNo)(biographyParam.value) : biographyParam.value;
                            if (biographyParam.delete(), !shellParam && paramSyncValue) {
                                var index = bannerShellTemplate.addParameterLayout.isVisible() ? -1 : bannerShellTemplate.parameterList.items.length - 1;
                                bannerShellTemplate.parameterList.addItems([new _ParameterWidget.default({
                                    value: paramSyncValue,
                                    autofilled: !0
                                }, bannerShellTemplate.paramData && bannerShellTemplate.paramData[])], index)
                            } else !biographyParam.autofilled && paramSyncValue && (shellParam.setValue(paramSyncValue), shellParam.setAutofilled())
        }, BannerListWidget.prototype.addShellTemplateIfNeeeded = function() {
            var _this = this;
            return this.items.some(function(banner) {
                return banner.isShellTemplate
            }) || _BannerWidget.default.newFromTemplateName(_config.default.shellTemplates[0], {
                withoutRatings: !0
            }, {
                preferences: this.preferences,
                isArticle: this.pageInfo.isArticle
            }).then(function(shellBannerWidget) {
      , [shellBannerWidget], 0), _this.autofillClassRatings({
                    forBannerShell: !0
                }), _this.onUpdatedSize()
            }), this
        }, BannerListWidget.prototype.addItems = function(items, index) {
            return 0 === items.length || (, items, index), this.items.some(function(banner) {
                return banner.isShellTemplate
            }) || this.autofillClassRatings(), this.autofillImportanceRatings(), this.onUpdatedSize()), this
        }, BannerListWidget.prototype.autofillClassRatings = function(config) {
            if (config = config || {}, this.preferences.autofillClassFromOthers || this.preferences.autofillClassFromOres || config.forBannerShell) {
                var uniqueClassRatings = (0, _util.uniqueArray)((0, _util.filterAndMap)(this.items, function(banner) {
                    if (banner.isShellTemplate || !banner.hasClassRatings) return !1;
                    var classItem = banner.classDropdown.getMenu().findSelectedItem();
                    return classItem && classItem.getData()
                }, function(banner) {
                    return banner.classDropdown.getMenu().findSelectedItem().getData()
                if (!(1 < uniqueClassRatings.length)) {
                    var autoClass;
                    if (1 === uniqueClassRatings.length && (this.preferences.autofillClassFromOthers || config.forBannerShell)) autoClass = uniqueClassRatings[0];
                    else {
                        if (0 !== uniqueClassRatings.length || !this.preferences.autofillClassFromOres || !this.oresClass) return;
                        switch (this.oresClass) {
                            case "Şitil":
                            case "Destpêkî":
                            case "C":
                            case "Lîste":
                                autoClass = this.oresClass
                    this.items.forEach(function(banner) {
                        if (banner.hasClassRatings || banner.isShellTemplate) {
                            var classItem = banner.classDropdown.getMenu().findSelectedItem();
                            classItem && classItem.getData() && !config.forBannerShell || (!config.forBannerShell || banner.isShellTemplate || classItem.getData() !== autoClass ? (banner.classDropdown.getMenu().selectItemByData(autoClass), banner.classDropdown.setAutofilled(!0)) : banner.classDropdown.getMenu().selectItemByData(null))
        }, BannerListWidget.prototype.autofillImportanceRatings = function() {
            if (this.preferences.autofillImportance && (this.pageInfo && this.pageInfo.isArticle && !this.pageInfo.redirect && !this.pageInfo.isDisambig)) {
                this.items.forEach(function(banner) {
                    if (banner.hasImportanceRatings) {
                        var importanceItem = banner.importanceDropdown.getMenu().findSelectedItem();
                        importanceItem && importanceItem.getData() || (banner.importanceDropdown.getMenu().selectItemByData("Low"), banner.importanceDropdown.setAutofilled(!0))
        }, BannerListWidget.prototype.setPreferences = function(prefs) {
            this.preferences = prefs, this.items.forEach(function(banner) {
                return banner.setPreferences(prefs)
            }), this.autofillClassRatings(), this.autofillImportanceRatings()
        }, BannerListWidget.prototype.makeWikitext = function() {
            var bannersWikitext = (0, _util.filterAndMap)(this.items, function(banner) {
                    return !banner.isShellTemplate
                }, function(banner) {
                    return banner.makeWikitext()
                shellTemplate = this.items.find(function(banner) {
                    return banner.isShellTemplate
            if (!shellTemplate) return bannersWikitext;
            var shellParam1 = new _ParameterWidget.default({
                name: "1",
                value: "\n" + bannersWikitext + "\n" + (shellTemplate.nonStandardTemplates ? shellTemplate.nonStandardTemplates + "\n" : "")
            var shellWikitext = shellTemplate.makeWikitext();
            return shellTemplate.parameterList.removeItems([shellParam1]), shellWikitext
        var _default = BannerListWidget;
        exports.default = _default
    }, {
        "../../config": 18,
        "../../util": 23,
        "./BannerWidget": 5,
        "./ParameterWidget": 9
    5: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;
        var _ParameterListWidget = _interopRequireDefault(require("./ParameterListWidget")),
            _ParameterWidget = _interopRequireDefault(require("./ParameterWidget")),
            _DropdownParameterWidget = _interopRequireDefault(require("./DropdownParameterWidget")),
            _SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget = _interopRequireDefault(require("./SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget")),
            _util = require("../../util"),
            _Template = require("../../Template"),
            _HorizontalLayoutWidget = _interopRequireDefault(require("./HorizontalLayoutWidget")),
            _config = _interopRequireDefault(require("../../config"));

        function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
            return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
                default: obj

        function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
            return function(arr) {
                if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr)
            }(arr) || function(iter) {
                if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter)
            }(arr) || function(o, minLen) {
                if (!o) return;
                if ("string" == typeof o) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
                var n =, -1);
                "Object" === n && o.constructor && (n =;
                if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(n);
                if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen)
            }(arr) || function() {
                throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")

        function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
            (null == len || len > arr.length) && (len = arr.length);
            for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
            return arr2

        function BannerWidget(template, config) {
            var _this = this;
            if (config = config || {},, config), this.$overlay = config.$overlay, this.preferences = config.preferences, this.paramData = template.paramData, this.paramAliases = template.paramAliases || {}, this.parameterSuggestions = template.parameterSuggestions, =, this.wikitext = template.wikitext, this.pipeStyle = template.pipeStyle, this.equalsStyle = template.equalsStyle, this.endBracesStyle = template.endBracesStyle, this.mainText = template.getTitle().getMainText(), this.redirectTargetMainText = template.redirectTarget && template.redirectTarget.getMainText(), this.isShellTemplate = template.isShellTemplate(), this.changed = template.parameters.some(function(parameter) {
                    return parameter.autofilled
                }), this.hasClassRatings = template.classes && template.classes.length, this.hasImportanceRatings = template.importances && template.importances.length, this.inactiveProject = template.inactiveProject, this.removeButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                    icon: "trash",
                    label: "Şablonê jê bibe",
                    title: "Remove banner",
                    flags: "destructive",
                    $element: $('<div style="width:100%">')
                }), this.clearButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                    icon: "cancel",
                    label: "Parametreyan paqij bike",
                    title: "Clear parameters",
                    flags: "destructive",
                    $element: $('<div style="width:100%">')
                }), this.removeButton.$element.find("a").css("width", "100%"), this.clearButton.$element.find("a").css("width", "100%"), this.titleButtonsGroup = new OO.ui.ButtonGroupWidget({
                    items: [this.removeButton, this.clearButton],
                    $element: $("<span style='width:100%;'>")
                }), this.mainLabelPopupButton = new OO.ui.PopupButtonWidget({
                    label: "{{".concat(template.getTitle().getMainText(), "}}").concat(this.inactiveProject ? " (inactive)" : ""),
                    $element: $("<span style='display:inline-block;width:48%;margin-right:0;padding-right:8px'>"),
                    $overlay: this.$overlay,
                    indicator: "down",
                    framed: !1,
                    popup: {
                        $content: this.titleButtonsGroup.$element,
                        width: 200,
                        padded: !1,
                        align: "force-right",
                        anchor: !1
                }), this.mainLabelPopupButton.$element.children("a").first().css({
                    "font-size": "110%"
                    "white-space": "normal"
                }), this.isShellTemplate) {
                this.classDropdown = new _DropdownParameterWidget.default({
                    label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet('<span style="color:#777">Sinif</span>'),
                    menu: {
                        items: [new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
                            data: null,
                            label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet('<span style="color:#777">('.concat(config.isArticle ? "sinif tine" : "auto-detect", ")</span>"))
                        })].concat(_toConsumableArray( {
                            return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
                                data: classname,
                                label: classname
                    $overlay: this.$overlay
                var shellClassParam = template.parameters.find(function(parameter) {
                    return "sinif" ===
                this.classDropdown.getMenu().selectItemByData(shellClassParam && (0, _util.classMask)(shellClassParam.value))
            } else if (this.hasClassRatings) {
                this.classDropdown = new _DropdownParameterWidget.default({
                    label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet('<span style="color:#777">Sinif</span>'),
                    menu: {
                        items: [new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
                            data: null,
                            label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet('<span style="color:#777">('.concat(config.isArticle ? "ji kalikê wergire" : "auto-detect", ")</span>"))
                        })].concat(_toConsumableArray( {
                            return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
                                data: classname,
                                label: classname
                    $overlay: this.$overlay
                var classParam = template.parameters.find(function(parameter) {
                    return "sinif" ===
                this.classDropdown.getMenu().selectItemByData(classParam && (0, _util.classMask)(classParam.value))
            if (this.hasImportanceRatings) {
                this.importanceDropdown = new _DropdownParameterWidget.default({
                    label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet('<span style="color:#777">Muhîmî</span>'),
                    menu: {
                        items: [new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
                            data: null,
                            label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet('<span style="color:#777">('.concat(config.isArticle ? "muhîmî tine" : "auto-detect", ")</span>"))
                        })].concat(_toConsumableArray( {
                            return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
                                data: importance,
                                label: importance
                    $overlay: this.$overlay
                var importanceParam = template.parameters.find(function(parameter) {
                    return "muhîmî" ===
                this.importanceDropdown.getMenu().selectItemByData(importanceParam && (0, _util.importanceMask)(importanceParam.value))
            this.titleLayout = new OO.ui.HorizontalLayout({
                items: [this.mainLabelPopupButton]
            }), (this.hasClassRatings || this.isShellTemplate) && this.titleLayout.addItems([this.classDropdown]), this.hasImportanceRatings && this.titleLayout.addItems([this.importanceDropdown]);
            var parameterWidgets = (0, _util.filterAndMap)(template.parameters, function(param) {
                return _this.isShellTemplate ? "1" == ? (_this.shellParam1Value = param.value, !1) : "sinif" !== : "sinif" !== && "muhîmî" !==
            }, function(param) {
                return new _ParameterWidget.default(param, template.paramData[], {
                    $overlay: _this.$overlay
            this.parameterList = new _ParameterListWidget.default({
                items: parameterWidgets,
                preferences: this.preferences
            }), this.addParameterNameInput = new _SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget.default({
                suggestions: template.parameterSuggestions,
                placeholder: "navê parametreyê",
                $element: $("<div style='display:inline-block;width:40%'>"),
                validate: function(val) {
                    var _this$getAddParameter = this.getAddParametersInfo(val),
                        validName = _this$getAddParameter.validName,
                        name = _this$,
                        value = _this$getAddParameter.value;
                    return !name && !value || validName
                allowSuggestionsWhenEmpty: !0,
                $overlay: this.$overlay
            }), this.updateAddParameterNameSuggestions(), this.addParameterValueInput = new _SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget.default({
                placeholder: "nirxa parametreyê",
                $element: $("<div style='display:inline-block;width:40%'>"),
                validate: function(val) {
                    var _this$getAddParameter2 = this.getAddParametersInfo(null, val),
                        validValue = _this$getAddParameter2.validValue,
                        name = _this$,
                        value = _this$getAddParameter2.value;
                    return !name && !value || validValue
                allowSuggestionsWhenEmpty: !0,
                $overlay: this.$overlay
            }), this.addParameterButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                label: "Lê zêde bike",
                icon: "add",
                flags: "progressive"
            }).setDisabled(!0), this.addParameterControls = new _HorizontalLayoutWidget.default({
                items: [this.addParameterNameInput, new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
                    label: "="
                }), this.addParameterValueInput, this.addParameterButton]
            }), this.addParameterLayout = new OO.ui.FieldLayout(this.addParameterControls, {
                label: "Parametre lê zêde bike:",
                align: "top"
            }).toggle(!1), this.addParameterLayout.$element.find(".oo-ui-fieldLayout-messages").css({
                clear: "both",
                "padding-top": 0
            }), this.$element.addClass("rater-bannerWidget").append(this.titleLayout.$element, this.parameterList.$element, this.addParameterLayout.$element), this.isShellTemplate || this.$element.append($("<hr>")), this.isShellTemplate && this.$element.css({
                background: "#eee",
                "border-radius": "10px",
                padding: "0 10px 5px",
                "margin-bottom": "12px",
                "font-size": "92%"
            }), this.hasClassRatings && this.classDropdown.connect(this, {
                change: "onClassChange"
            }), this.hasImportanceRatings && this.importanceDropdown.connect(this, {
                change: "onImportanceChange"
            }), this.parameterList.connect(this, {
                change: "onParameterChange",
                addParametersButtonClick: "showAddParameterInputs",
                updatedSize: "onUpdatedSize"
            }), this.addParameterButton.connect(this, {
                click: "onParameterAdd"
            }), this.addParameterNameInput.connect(this, {
                change: "onAddParameterNameChange",
                enter: "onAddParameterNameEnter",
                choose: "onAddParameterNameEnter"
            }), this.addParameterValueInput.connect(this, {
                change: "onAddParameterValueChange",
                enter: "onAddParameterValueEnter",
                choose: "onAddParameterValueEnter"
            }), this.removeButton.connect(this, {
                click: "onRemoveButtonClick"
            }), this.clearButton.connect(this, {
                click: "onClearButtonClick"
            }), this.preferences.bypassRedirects && this.bypassRedirect()
        OO.inheritClass(BannerWidget, OO.ui.Widget), BannerWidget.newFromTemplateName = function(templateName, data, config) {
            var template = new _Template.Template;
            return = templateName, data && data.withoutRatings && (template.withoutRatings = !0), (0, _Template.getWithRedirectTo)(template).then(function(template) {
                return $.when(template.setClassesAndImportances(), template.setParamDataAndSuggestions()).then(function() {
                    return template.addMissingParams(), template
            }).then(function(template) {
                return new BannerWidget(template, config)
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.onUpdatedSize = function() {
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.setChanged = function() {
            this.changed = !0, this.emit("changed"), "WikiProject Biography" !== this.mainText && "WikiProject Biography" !== this.redirectTargetMainText || this.emit("biographyBannerChange")
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.onParameterChange = function() {
            this.setChanged(), this.updateAddParameterNameSuggestions()
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.onClassChange = function() {
            this.setChanged(), this.classChanged = !0;
            var classItem = this.classDropdown.getMenu().findSelectedItem();
            classItem && null == classItem.getData() && this.classDropdown.getMenu().selectItem()
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.onImportanceChange = function() {
            this.setChanged(), this.importanceChanged = !0;
            var importanceItem = this.importanceDropdown.getMenu().findSelectedItem();
            importanceItem && null == importanceItem.getData() && this.importanceDropdown.getMenu().selectItem()
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.showAddParameterInputs = function() {
            this.addParameterLayout.toggle(!0), this.addParameterNameInput.focus(), this.onUpdatedSize()
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.getAddParametersInfo = function(nameInputVal, valueInputVal) {
            var name = nameInputVal && nameInputVal.trim() || this.addParameterNameInput.getValue().trim(),
                paramAlreadyIncluded = "sinif" === name || "muhîmî" === name || "1" === name && this.isShellTemplate || this.parameterList.getParameterItems().some(function(paramWidget) {
                    return === name
                value = valueInputVal && valueInputVal.trim() || this.addParameterValueInput.getValue().trim(),
                autovalue = name && this.paramData[name] && this.paramData[name].autovalue || null;
            return {
                validName: !(!name || paramAlreadyIncluded),
                validValue: !(!value && !autovalue),
                isAutovalue: !(value || !autovalue),
                isAlreadyIncluded: !(!name || !paramAlreadyIncluded),
                name: name,
                value: value,
                autovalue: autovalue
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.onAddParameterNameChange = function() {
            var _this$getAddParameter3 = this.getAddParametersInfo(),
                validName = _this$getAddParameter3.validName,
                validValue = _this$getAddParameter3.validValue,
                isAutovalue = _this$getAddParameter3.isAutovalue,
                isAlreadyIncluded = _this$getAddParameter3.isAlreadyIncluded,
                name = _this$,
                autovalue = _this$getAddParameter3.autovalue;
            this.addParameterValueInput.$input.attr("placeholder", autovalue || "");
            var allowedValues = this.paramData[name] && this.paramData[name].allowedValues && this.paramData[name] {
                return {
                    data: val,
                    label: val
            this.addParameterValueInput.setSuggestions(allowedValues || []), this.addParameterButton.setDisabled(!validName || !validValue), this.addParameterLayout.setNotices(validName && isAutovalue ? ["Parameter value will be autofilled"] : []), this.addParameterLayout.setErrors(isAlreadyIncluded ? ["Parameter is already present"] : [])
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.onAddParameterNameEnter = function() {
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.onAddParameterValueChange = function() {
            var _this$getAddParameter4 = this.getAddParametersInfo(),
                validName = _this$getAddParameter4.validName,
                validValue = _this$getAddParameter4.validValue,
                isAutovalue = _this$getAddParameter4.isAutovalue;
            this.addParameterButton.setDisabled(!validName || !validValue), this.addParameterLayout.setNotices(validName && isAutovalue ? ["Parameter value will be autofilled"] : [])
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.onAddParameterValueEnter = function() {
            this.onAddParameterValueChange(), this.addParameterButton.isDisabled() || this.onParameterAdd()
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.onParameterAdd = function() {
            var _this$getAddParameter5 = this.getAddParametersInfo(),
                validName = _this$getAddParameter5.validName,
                validValue = _this$getAddParameter5.validValue,
                name = _this$,
                value = _this$getAddParameter5.value,
                autovalue = _this$getAddParameter5.autovalue;
            if (validName && validValue) {
                var newParameter = new _ParameterWidget.default({
                    name: name,
                    value: value || autovalue
                }, this.paramData[name], {
                    $overlay: this.$overlay
                this.parameterList.addItems([newParameter]), this.addParameterNameInput.setValue(""), this.addParameterValueInput.setValue(""), this.addParameterNameInput.$input.focus()
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.updateAddParameterNameSuggestions = function() {
            var paramsInUse = {};
            this.parameterList.getParameterItems().forEach(function(paramWidget) {
                return paramsInUse[] = !0
            }), this.addParameterNameInput.setSuggestions(this.parameterSuggestions.filter(function(suggestion) {
                return !paramsInUse[]
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.onRemoveButtonClick = function() {
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.onClearButtonClick = function() {
            this.parameterList.clearItems(this.parameterList.getParameterItems()), this.hasClassRatings && this.classDropdown.getMenu().selectItem(), this.hasImportanceRatings && this.importanceDropdown.getMenu().selectItem()
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.bypassRedirect = function() {
            this.redirectTargetMainText && (this.bypassedName =, this.mainLabelPopupButton.setLabel("{{".concat(this.redirectTargetMainText, "}}").concat(this.inactiveProject ? " (inactive)" : "")), = this.redirectTargetMainText, this.mainText = this.redirectTargetMainText, this.redirectTargetMainText = null, this.setChanged())
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.makeWikitext = function() {
            if (!this.changed && this.wikitext) return this.wikitext;
            var pipe = this.pipeStyle,
                equals = this.equalsStyle,
                classItem = (this.hasClassRatings || this.isShellTemplate) && this.classDropdown.getMenu().findSelectedItem(),
                classVal = classItem && classItem.getData(),
                importanceItem = this.hasImportanceRatings && this.importanceDropdown.getMenu().findSelectedItem(),
                importanceVal = importanceItem && importanceItem.getData();
            return ("{{" + + ((this.hasClassRatings || this.isShellTemplate) && null != classVal ? "".concat(pipe, "sinif").concat(equals).concat(classVal || "") : "") + (this.hasImportanceRatings && null != importanceVal ? "".concat(pipe, "muhîmî").concat(equals).concat(importanceVal || "") : "") + this.parameterList.getParameterItems().map(function(parameter) {
                return parameter.makeWikitext(pipe, equals)
            }).join("") + this.endBracesStyle).replace(/\n+}}$/, "\n}}")
        }, BannerWidget.prototype.setPreferences = function(prefs) {
            this.preferences = prefs, this.preferences.bypassRedirects && this.bypassRedirect(), this.parameterList.setPreferences(prefs)
        var _default = BannerWidget;
        exports.default = _default
    }, {
        "../../Template": 3,
        "../../config": 18,
        "../../util": 23,
        "./DropdownParameterWidget": 6,
        "./HorizontalLayoutWidget": 7,
        "./ParameterListWidget": 8,
        "./ParameterWidget": 9,
        "./SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget": 11
    6: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";

        function DropdownParameterWidget(config) {
            config = $.extend({
                $element: $("<span style='display:inline-block;width:24%'>")
            }, config || {}),, config), this.$overlay = config.$overlay, this.$element.addClass("rater-dropdownParameterWidget"), this.autofilled = !!config.autofilled, this.autofilledIcon = new OO.ui.IconWidget({
                icon: "robot",
                title: "Autofilled by Rater",
                flags: "progressive",
                $element: $("<span style='margin: 0 -5px 0 5px;min-width: 16px;width: 16px;left:unset;'>")
            }).toggle(this.autofilled), this.$element.find(".oo-ui-indicatorElement-indicator").before(this.autofilledIcon.$element),, {
                choose: "onDropdownMenuChoose",
                select: "onDropdownMenuSelect"
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0, OO.inheritClass(DropdownParameterWidget, OO.ui.DropdownWidget), DropdownParameterWidget.prototype.setAutofilled = function(setAutofill) {
            this.autofilledIcon.toggle(!!setAutofill), this.$element.find(".oo-ui-dropdownWidget-handle").css({
                border: setAutofill ? "1px dashed #36c" : ""
            }), this.autofilled = !!setAutofill
        }, DropdownParameterWidget.prototype.onDropdownMenuChoose = function() {
            this.setAutofilled(!1), this.emit("change")
        }, DropdownParameterWidget.prototype.onDropdownMenuSelect = function() {
        }, DropdownParameterWidget.prototype.getValue = function() {
            var selectedItem =;
            return selectedItem && selectedItem.getData()
        var _default = DropdownParameterWidget;
        exports.default = _default
    }, {}],
    7: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";

        function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) {
            var keys = Object.keys(object);
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
                var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object);
                enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) {
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable
                })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols)
            return keys

        function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
            return key in obj ? Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
                value: value,
                enumerable: !0,
                configurable: !0,
                writable: !0
            }) : obj[key] = value, obj

        function HorizontalLayoutWidget(config) {
            config = config || {},, {}), this.layout = new OO.ui.HorizontalLayout(function(target) {
                for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
                    var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
                    i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function(key) {
                        _defineProperty(target, key, source[key])
                    }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function(key) {
                        Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key))
                return target
            }({}, config, {
                $element: this.$element
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0, OO.inheritClass(HorizontalLayoutWidget, OO.ui.Widget);
        var _default = HorizontalLayoutWidget;
        exports.default = _default
    }, {}],
    8: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;

        function ParameterListWidget(config) {
            config = config || {},, config),, {
                $group: this.$element
            }), this.addItems(config.items), this.$element.addClass("rater-parameterListWidget"), this.preferences = config.preferences;
            var displayLimit = this.preferences.collapseParamsLowerLimit + 1;
            if (displayLimit && this.items.length > displayLimit) {
                for (var hiddenCount = 0, i = displayLimit - 1 - 1; i < this.items.length; i++) this.items[i].autofilled || (this.items[i].toggle(!1), hiddenCount++);
                0 < hiddenCount && (this.showMoreParametersButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                    label: "Show " + hiddenCount + " more " + (1 === hiddenCount ? "parameter" : "parameters"),
                    framed: !1,
                    $element: $("<span style='margin-bottom:0'>")
                }), this.addItems([this.showMoreParametersButton]))
            this.addParametersButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                label: "Parametreyê lê zêde bike",
                icon: "add",
                framed: !1,
                $element: $("<span style='margin-bottom:0'>")
            }), this.addItems([this.addParametersButton]), this.aggregate({
                delete: "parameterDelete"
            }), this.connect(this, {
                parameterDelete: "onParameterDelete"
            }), this.aggregate({
                change: "parameterChange"
            }), this.connect(this, {
                parameterChange: "onParameterChange"
            }), this.aggregate({
                updatedSize: "parameterUpdatedSize"
            }), this.connect(this, {
                parameterUpdatedSize: "onUpdatedSize"
            }), this.showMoreParametersButton && this.showMoreParametersButton.connect(this, {
                click: "onShowMoreParametersButtonClick"
            }), this.addParametersButton.connect(this, {
                click: "onAddParametersButtonClick"
        OO.inheritClass(ParameterListWidget, OO.ui.Widget), OO.mixinClass(ParameterListWidget, OO.ui.mixin.GroupElement), ParameterListWidget.prototype.onUpdatedSize = function() {
        }, ParameterListWidget.prototype.addItems = function(items, index) {
            return 0 === items.length || (, items, index), this.onUpdatedSize()), this
        }, ParameterListWidget.prototype.onParameterDelete = function(parameter) {
            this.removeItems([parameter]), this.emit("change")
        }, ParameterListWidget.prototype.onParameterChange = function() {
        }, ParameterListWidget.prototype.getParameterItems = function() {
            return this.items.filter(function(item) {
                return "ParameterWidget" ===
        }, ParameterListWidget.prototype.onShowMoreParametersButtonClick = function() {
            this.removeItems([this.showMoreParametersButton]), this.items.forEach(function(parameterWidget) {
                return parameterWidget.toggle(!0)
            }), this.onUpdatedSize()
        }, ParameterListWidget.prototype.onAddParametersButtonClick = function() {
            this.removeItems([this.addParametersButton]), this.emit("addParametersButtonClick")
        }, ParameterListWidget.prototype.makeWikitext = function(pipeStyle, equalsStyle) {
            return this.getParameterItems().map(function(parameter) {
                return parameter.makeWikitext(pipeStyle, equalsStyle)
        }, ParameterListWidget.prototype.setPreferences = function(prefs) {
            this.preferences = prefs;
            var params = this.getParameterItems();
            if (!(params.length <= this.preferences.collapseParamsLowerLimit)) {
                var hiddenParams = params.filter(function(param) {
                        return !param.isVisible()
                    visibleParamsCount = params.length - hiddenParams.length;
                if (!(0 === hiddenParams || visibleParamsCount >= this.preferences.collapseParamsLowerLimit)) {
                    for (var numToUnhide = Math.min(this.preferences.collapseParamsLowerLimit - visibleParamsCount, hiddenParams.length), i = 0; i < numToUnhide; i++) hiddenParams[i].toggle(!0);
                    var stillHiddenCount = hiddenParams.length - numToUnhide;
                    0 == stillHiddenCount ? this.removeItems([this.showMoreParametersButton]) : this.showMoreParametersButton.setLabel("Show " + stillHiddenCount + " more " + (1 == stillHiddenCount ? "paramter" : "paramters"))
        var _default = ParameterListWidget;
        exports.default = _default
    }, {}],
    9: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;
        var obj, _util = require("../../util"),
            _HorizontalLayoutWidget = (obj = require("./HorizontalLayoutWidget")) && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
                default: obj

        function ParameterWidget(parameter, paramData, config) {
            switch (config = config || {},, config), this.$overlay = config.$overlay, =, this.value = parameter.value, this.autofilled = parameter.autofilled, this.isInvalid = null == parameter.value, this.paramData = paramData || {}, this.allowedValues = this.paramData.allowedValues || [], this.isRequired = this.paramData.required, this.isSuggested = this.paramData.suggested, this.allowedValues.length) {
                case 1:
                    this.allowedValues[1] = null;
                case 2:
                    var isFirstAllowedVal = 0 === this.allowedValues.indexOf(parameter.value) || 0 ===, _util.normaliseYesNo)(parameter.value)),
                        isSecondAllowedVal = 1 === this.allowedValues.indexOf(parameter.value || null) || 1 === ? (0, _util.normaliseYesNo)(parameter.value) : null),
                        isIndeterminate = !isFirstAllowedVal && !isSecondAllowedVal;
                    this.checkbox = new OO.ui.CheckboxInputWidget({
                        selected: isIndeterminate ? void 0 : isFirstAllowedVal,
                        indeterminate: isIndeterminate || void 0,
                        $element: $("<label style='margin:0 0 0 5px'>")
            this.input = new OO.ui.ComboBoxInputWidget({
                value: this.value,
                options: (0, _util.filterAndMap)(this.allowedValues, function(val) {
                    return null !== val
                }, function(val) {
                    return {
                        data: val,
                        label: val
                $element: $("<div style='margin-bottom:0;'>"),
                $overlay: this.$overlay
            }), this.input.$element.find("input").css({
                "padding-top": 0,
                "padding-bottom": "2px",
                height: "24px"
            }), this.input.$element.find("span.oo-ui-labelElement-label").css({
                "line-height": "normal"
            }), this.input.$element.find("a.oo-ui-buttonElement-button").css({
                "padding-top": 0,
                height: "24px",
                "min-height": "0"
            }), this.confirmButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                icon: "check",
                label: "Done",
                framed: !1,
                flags: "progressive",
                $element: $("<span style='margin-right:0'>")
            }), this.cancelButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                icon: "undo",
                label: "Cancel",
                framed: !1
            }), this.deleteButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                icon: this.isRequired ? "restore" : "trash",
                label: this.isRequired ? "Required parameter" : "Delete",
                framed: !1,
                flags: "destructive",
                disabled: this.isRequired
            }), this.editButtonControls = new OO.ui.ButtonGroupWidget({
                items: [this.confirmButton, this.cancelButton, this.deleteButton],
                $element: $("<span style='font-size:92%'>")
            }), this.editButtonControls.$element.find("a span:first-child").css({
                "min-width": "unset",
                width: "16px",
                "margin-right": 0
            }), this.editLayoutControls = new _HorizontalLayoutWidget.default({
                items: [this.input, this.editButtonControls]
            }), this.editLayout = new OO.ui.FieldLayout(this.editLayoutControls, {
                label: + " =",
                align: "top",
                help: this.paramData.description && this.paramData.description.en || !1,
                helpInline: !0
            }).toggle(), this.editLayout.$element.find("label.oo-ui-inline-help").css({
                margin: "-10px 0 5px 10px"
            }), this.invalidIcon = new OO.ui.IconWidget({
                icon: "block",
                title: "Invalid parameter: no value specified!",
                flags: "destructive",
                $element: $("<span style='margin: 0 5px 0 -5px; min-width: 16px; width: 16px;'>")
            }).toggle(this.isInvalid), this.fullLabel = new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
                label: + (this.value ? " = " + this.value : " "),
                $element: $("<label style='margin: 0;'>")
            }), this.autofilledIcon = new OO.ui.IconWidget({
                icon: "robot",
                title: "Autofilled by Rater",
                flags: "progressive",
                $element: $("<span style='margin: 0 -5px 0 5px;min-width: 16px;width: 16px;'>")
            }).toggle(this.autofilled), this.editButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                icon: "edit",
                framed: !1,
                $element: $("<span style='margin-bottom: 0;'>")
            }), this.editButton.$element.find("a").css({
                "border-radius": "0 10px 10px 0",
                "margin-left": "5px"
            }), this.editButton.$element.find("a span").first().css({
                "min-width": "unset",
                width: "16px"
            }), this.readLayout = new OO.ui.HorizontalLayout({
                items: [this.invalidIcon, this.fullLabel, this.autofilledIcon, this.editButton],
                $element: $("<span style='margin:0;width:unset;'>")
            }), this.checkbox && this.readLayout.addItems([this.checkbox], 2), this.$element = $("<div>").addClass("rater-parameterWidget").css({
                width: "unset",
                display: "inline-block",
                border: this.autofilled ? "1px dashed #36c" : "1px solid #ddd",
                "border-radius": "10px",
                "padding-left": "10px",
                margin: "0 8px 8px 0",
                background: this.isInvalid ? "#fddd" : "#fffe"
            }).append(this.readLayout.$element, this.editLayout.$element), this.editButton.connect(this, {
                click: "onEditClick"
            }), this.confirmButton.connect(this, {
                click: "onConfirmClick"
            }), this.cancelButton.connect(this, {
                click: "onCancelClick"
            }), this.deleteButton.connect(this, {
                click: "onDeleteClick"
            }), this.checkbox && this.checkbox.connect(this, {
                change: "onCheckboxChange"
        OO.inheritClass(ParameterWidget, OO.ui.Widget), ParameterWidget.prototype.onUpdatedSize = function() {
        }, ParameterWidget.prototype.onEditClick = function() {
            this.readLayout.toggle(!1), this.editLayout.toggle(!0), this.$element.css({
                background: "#fffe"
            }), this.input.focus(), this.onUpdatedSize()
        }, ParameterWidget.prototype.onConfirmClick = function() {
            this.setValue(this.input.getValue()), this.readLayout.toggle(!0), this.editLayout.toggle(!1), this.onUpdatedSize()
        }, ParameterWidget.prototype.onCancelClick = function() {
            this.input.setValue(this.value), this.readLayout.toggle(!0), this.editLayout.toggle(!1), this.onUpdatedSize()
        }, ParameterWidget.prototype.onDeleteClick = function() {
        }, ParameterWidget.prototype.onCheckboxChange = function(isSelected, isIndeterminate) {
            isIndeterminate || (isSelected ? this.setValue(this.allowedValues[0]) : this.setValue(this.allowedValues[1]))
        }, ParameterWidget.prototype.delete = function() {
        }, ParameterWidget.prototype.setValue = function(val) {
            if (this.autofilled = !1, this.autofilledIcon.toggle(!1), this.$element.css({
                    border: "1px solid #ddd"
                }), this.value = val, this.input.setValue(this.value), this.isInvalid = null == this.value, this.invalidIcon.toggle(this.isInvalid), this.$element.css({
                    background: this.isInvalid ? "#fddd" : "#fffe"
                }), this.fullLabel.setLabel( + (this.value ? " = " + this.value : "")), this.checkbox) {
                var isFirstAllowedVal = 0 === this.allowedValues.indexOf(val) || 0 ===, _util.normaliseYesNo)(val)),
                    isSecondAllowedVal = 1 === this.allowedValues.indexOf(val || null) || 1 === ? (0, _util.normaliseYesNo)(val) : null),
                    isIndeterminate = !isFirstAllowedVal && !isSecondAllowedVal;
                if (this.checkbox.setIndeterminate(isIndeterminate, !0), !isIndeterminate) {
                    var isSelected = isFirstAllowedVal;
                    this.checkbox.setSelected(isSelected, !0)
        }, ParameterWidget.prototype.setAutofilled = function() {
            this.autofilled = !0, this.autofilledIcon.toggle(!0), this.$element.css({
                border: "1px dashed #36c"
        }, ParameterWidget.prototype.makeWikitext = function(pipeStyle, equalsStyle) {
            return this.isInvalid ? "" : pipeStyle + + equalsStyle + (this.value || "")
        }, ParameterWidget.prototype.focusInput = function() {
            return this.input.focus()
        var _default = ParameterWidget;
        exports.default = _default
    }, {
        "../../util": 23,
        "./HorizontalLayoutWidget": 7
    10: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;
        var obj, _config = (obj = require("../../config")) && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
            default: obj

        function PrefsFormWidget(config) {
            for (var prefName in config = config || {},, config), this.$element.addClass("rater-prefsFormWidget"), this.layout = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout({
                    label: "Preferences",
                    $element: this.$element
                }), this.preferences = {
                    autostart: {
                        input: new OO.ui.ToggleSwitchWidget,
                        label: "Autostart Rater"
                    autostartRedirects: {
                        input: new OO.ui.ToggleSwitchWidget,
                        label: "Autostart on redirects"
                    autostartNamespaces: {
                        input: new mw.widgets.NamespacesMultiselectWidget,
                        label: "Autostart in these namespaces"
                    bypassRedirects: {
                        input: new OO.ui.ToggleSwitchWidget,
                        label: "Bypass redirects to banners"
                    autofillClassFromOthers: {
                        input: new OO.ui.ToggleSwitchWidget,
                        label: "Autofill class from other banners"
                    autofillClassFromOres: {
                        input: new OO.ui.ToggleSwitchWidget,
                        label: "Autofill class based on ORES prediction"
                    autofillImportance: {
                        input: new OO.ui.ToggleSwitchWidget,
                        label: "Autofill low importance"
                    collapseParamsLowerLimit: {
                        input: new OO.ui.NumberInputWidget({
                            min: 1
                        label: "Minimum number of parameters to show uncollapsed"
                    watchlist: {
                        input: new OO.ui.ButtonSelectWidget({
                            items: [new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget({
                                data: "preferences",
                                label: "Default",
                                title: "Uses the same setting as if you manually edited the page, as per Special:Preferences"
                            }), new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget({
                                data: "watch",
                                label: "Always",
                                title: "Always add pages Rater edits to your watchlist"
                            }), new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget({
                                data: "nochange",
                                label: "Never",
                                title: "Never add pages Rater edit to your watchlist"
                        label: "Add edited pages to watchlist"
                    resetCache: {
                        input: new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                            label: "Reset cache",
                            title: "Remove cached data, including list of WikiProjects and template parameters",
                            flags: ["destructive"]
                }, this.preferences) this.layout.addItems([new OO.ui.FieldLayout(this.preferences[prefName].input, {
                label: this.preferences[prefName].label,
                align: "right"
            this.preferences.resetCache.input.connect(this, {
                click: "onResetCacheClick"
        OO.inheritClass(PrefsFormWidget, OO.ui.Widget), PrefsFormWidget.prototype.setPrefValues = function(prefs) {
            var _this = this,
                _loop = function(prefName) {
                    var value = prefs[prefName],
                        input = _this.preferences[prefName] && _this.preferences[prefName].input;
                    switch (input && {
                        case "OoUiButtonSelectWidget":
                        case "OoUiNumberInputWidget":
                        case "OoUiToggleSwitchWidget":
                        case "MwWidgetsNamespacesMultiselectWidget":
                            input.clearItems(), value.forEach(function(ns) {
                                return input.addTag(ns.toString(), 0 === ns ? "(Main)" :[ns])
            for (var prefName in prefs) _loop(prefName)
        }, PrefsFormWidget.prototype.getPrefs = function() {
            var prefs = {};
            for (var prefName in this.preferences) {
                var input = this.preferences[prefName].input,
                    value = void 0;
                switch ( {
                    case "OoUiButtonSelectWidget":
                        value = input.findSelectedItem().getData();
                    case "OoUiToggleSwitchWidget":
                        value = input.getValue();
                    case "OoUiNumberInputWidget":
                        value = Number(input.getValue());
                    case "MwWidgetsNamespacesMultiselectWidget":
                        value = input.getValue().map(Number)
                prefs[prefName] = value
            return prefs
        }, PrefsFormWidget.prototype.onResetCacheClick = function() {
            var _this2 = this;
            OO.ui.confirm("After reseting cache, Rater will close and restart. Any changes made will be discarded.").then(function(confirmed) {
                confirmed && _this2.emit("resetCache")
        var _default = PrefsFormWidget;
        exports.default = _default
    }, {
        "../../config": 18
    11: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;
        var SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget = function(config) {
  , config),, config), this.suggestions = Array.isArray(config.suggestions) ? config.suggestions : [], this.$element.addClass("rater-suggestionLookupTextInputWidget")
        OO.inheritClass(SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget, OO.ui.TextInputWidget), OO.mixinClass(SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget, OO.ui.mixin.LookupElement), SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget.prototype.setSuggestions = function(suggestions) {
            Array.isArray(suggestions) ? this.suggestions = suggestions : null != suggestions && console.warn("[Rater] SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget.prototype.setSuggestions called with a non-array value:", suggestions)
        }, SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget.prototype.getLookupRequest = function() {
            return $.Deferred().resolve(new RegExp("\\b" + mw.util.escapeRegExp(this.getValue()), "i")).promise({
                abort: function() {}
        }, SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget.prototype.getLookupCacheDataFromResponse = function(response) {
            return response || []
        }, SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget.prototype.getLookupMenuOptionsFromData = function(pattern) {
            return this.suggestions.filter(function(suggestionItem) {
                return pattern.test(suggestionItem.label) || !suggestionItem.label && pattern.test(
            }).map(function(optionItem) {
                return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
                    label: optionItem.label ||
        }, SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget.prototype.onLookupMenuChoose = function(item) {
            var itemData = item.getData();
            itemData && && item.setData(, this.$input.blur(),, item), this.emit("choose", itemData)
        var _default = SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget;
        exports.default = _default
    }, {}],
    12: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;
        var _config = _interopRequireDefault(require("../../config")),
            _SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget = _interopRequireDefault(require("./SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget")),
            _getBanners = require("../../getBanners");

        function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
            return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
                default: obj

        function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
            return function(arr) {
                if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr)
            }(arr) || function(iter) {
                if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter)
            }(arr) || function(o, minLen) {
                if (!o) return;
                if ("string" == typeof o) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
                var n =, -1);
                "Object" === n && o.constructor && (n =;
                if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(n);
                if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen)
            }(arr) || function() {
                throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")

        function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
            (null == len || len > arr.length) && (len = arr.length);
            for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
            return arr2

        function TopBarWidget(config) {
            var _this = this;
            config = $.extend({
                expanded: !1,
                framed: !1,
                padded: !1
            }, config || {}),, config), this.$overlay = config.$overlay, this.searchBox = new _SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget.default({
                placeholder: "Wîkîprojeyekê lê zêde bike...",
                $element: $("<div style='display:inline-block; margin:0 -1px; width:calc(100% - 55px);'>"),
                $overlay: this.$overlay
            }), (0, _getBanners.getBannerNames)().then(function(banners) {
                return [].concat(_toConsumableArray( {
                    return {
                        label: bannerName.replace("Wîkîproje ", ""),
                        data: {
                            name: bannerName
                })), _toConsumableArray( {
                    return {
                        label: bannerName.replace("Wîkîproje ", ""),
                        data: {
                            name: bannerName,
                            withoutRatings: !0
                })), _toConsumableArray( {
                    return {
                        label: bannerName.replace("Wîkîproje ", "") + " [template wrapper]",
                        data: {
                            name: bannerName,
                            wrapper: !0
                })), _toConsumableArray( {
                    return {
                        label: bannerName.replace("Wîkîproje ", ""),
                        data: {
                            name: bannerName
                })), _toConsumableArray( {
                    return {
                        label: bannerName.replace("Wîkîproje ", "") + " [inactive]",
                        data: {
                            name: bannerName,
                            withoutRatings: !0
                })), _toConsumableArray( {
                    return {
                        label: bannerName + " [Women In Red meetup/initiative]",
                        data: {
                            name: bannerName,
                            withoutRatings: !0
            }).then(function(bannerOptions) {
                return _this.searchBox.setSuggestions(bannerOptions)
            }), this.addBannerButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                icon: "add",
                title: "Add",
                flags: "progressive",
                $element: $("<span style='float:right;margin: 0;transform: translateX(-12px);'>")
            var $searchContainer = $("<div style='display:inline-block; flex-shrink:1; flex-grow:100; min-width:250px; width:50%;'>").append(this.searchBox.$element, this.addBannerButton.$element);
            this.setAllDropDown = new OO.ui.DropdownWidget({
                icon: "tag",
                label: "Li hemûyan zêde bike...",
                invisibleLabel: !0,
                menu: {
                    items: [new OO.ui.MenuSectionOptionWidget({
                        label: "Sinif"
                    }), new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
                        data: {
                            class: null
                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet('<span style="color:#777">(sinif tine)</span>')
                    })].concat(_toConsumableArray( {
                        return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
                            data: {
                                class: classname
                            label: classname
                    })), [new OO.ui.MenuSectionOptionWidget({
                        label: "Muhîmî"
                    }), new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
                        data: {
                            importance: null
                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet('<span style="color:#777">(muhîmî tine)</span>')
                    })], _toConsumableArray( {
                        return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
                            data: {
                                importance: importance
                            label: importance
                $element: $("<span style=\"width:auto;display:inline-block;float:left;margin:0\" title='Set all...'>"),
                $overlay: this.$overlay
            }), this.removeAllButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                icon: "trash",
                title: "Hemû jê bibe",
                flags: "destructive"
            }), this.clearAllButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                icon: "cancel",
                title: "Hemû paqij bike",
                flags: "destructive"
            }), this.menuButtons = new OO.ui.ButtonGroupWidget({
                items: [this.removeAllButton, this.clearAllButton],
                $element: $("<span style='flex:1 0 auto;'>")
            }), this.menuButtons.$element.prepend(this.setAllDropDown.$element), this.$element.addClass("rater-topBarWidget").css({
                position: "fixed",
                width: "100%",
                background: "#ccc",
                display: "flex",
                "flex-wrap": "wrap",
                "justify-content": "space-around",
                margin: "-2px 0 0 0"
            }).append($searchContainer, this.menuButtons.$element), this.searchBox.connect(this, {
                enter: "onSearchSelect",
                choose: "onSearchSelect"
            }), this.addBannerButton.connect(this, {
                click: "onSearchSelect"
            }), this.setAllDropDown.getMenu().connect(this, {
                choose: "onRatingChoose"
            }), this.removeAllButton.connect(this, {
                click: "onRemoveAllClick"
            }), this.clearAllButton.connect(this, {
                click: "onClearAllClick"
        OO.inheritClass(TopBarWidget, OO.ui.PanelLayout), TopBarWidget.prototype.onSearchSelect = function(data) {
            this.emit("searchSelect", data)
        }, TopBarWidget.prototype.onRatingChoose = function(item) {
            var data = item.getData();
            !data.class && null !== data.class || this.emit("setClasses", data.class), !data.importance && null !== data.importance || this.emit("setImportances", data.importance)
        }, TopBarWidget.prototype.onRemoveAllClick = function() {
        }, TopBarWidget.prototype.onClearAllClick = function() {
        }, TopBarWidget.prototype.setDisabled = function(disable) {
            [this.searchBox, this.addBannerButton, this.setAllDropDown, this.removeAllButton, this.clearAllButton].forEach(function(widget) {
                return widget.setDisabled(disable)
        var _default = TopBarWidget;
        exports.default = _default
    }, {
        "../../config": 18,
        "../../getBanners": 20,
        "./SuggestionLookupTextInputWidget": 11
    13: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;
        var _api = require("../api");

        function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
            return function(arr) {
                if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr)
            }(arr) || function(iter) {
                if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter)
            }(arr) || function(o, minLen) {
                if (!o) return;
                if ("string" == typeof o) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
                var n =, -1);
                "Object" === n && o.constructor && (n =;
                if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(n);
                if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen)
            }(arr) || function() {
                throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")

        function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
            (null == len || len > arr.length) && (len = arr.length);
            for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
            return arr2

        function LoadDialog(config) {
  , config)
        OO.inheritClass(LoadDialog, OO.ui.Dialog), = "loadDialog", LoadDialog.static.title = "Loading Rater...", LoadDialog.prototype.initialize = function() {
            var _this$content$$elemen;
  , this.content = new OO.ui.PanelLayout({
                padded: !0,
                expanded: !1
            }), this.progressBar = new OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget({
                progress: 1
            }), this.setuptasks = [new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
                label: "Tercîhên te yên Raterê tê barkirin...",
                $element: $('<p style="display:block">')
            }), new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
                label: "Şablonên wîkîprojeyan tê barkirin...",
                $element: $('<p style="display:block">')
            }), new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
                label: "Wîkînivîsa gotûbêjê tê barkirin...",
                $element: $('<p style="display:block">')
            }), new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
                label: "Şablonên gotûbêjê tên kontrolkirin...",
                $element: $('<p style="display:block">')
            }), new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
                label: "Daneyên parametreyan yên şablonan tê barkirin...",
                $element: $('<p style="display:block">')
            }), new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
                label: "Rûpel tê kontrolkirin...",
                $element: $('<p style="display:block">')
            }), new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
                label: "Retrieving quality prediction...",
                $element: $('<p style="display:block">')
            }).toggle()], this.closeButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
                label: "Bigre"
            }).toggle(), this.setupPromises = [], (_this$content$$elemen = this.content.$element).append.apply(_this$content$$elemen, [this.progressBar.$element, new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
                label: "Dest pê dibe:",
                $element: $('<strong style="display:block">')
            }).$element].concat(_toConsumableArray( {
                return widget.$element
            })), [this.closeButton.$element])), this.$body.append(this.content.$element), this.closeButton.connect(this, {
                click: "onCloseButtonClick"
        }, LoadDialog.prototype.onCloseButtonClick = function() {
        }, LoadDialog.prototype.getBodyHeight = function() {
            return this.content.$element.outerHeight(!0)
        }, LoadDialog.prototype.incrementProgress = function(amount, maximum) {
            var priorProgress = this.progressBar.getProgress(),
                incrementedProgress = Math.min(maximum || 100, priorProgress + amount);
        }, LoadDialog.prototype.addTaskPromiseHandlers = function(taskPromises) {
            var _this = this;
            taskPromises.forEach(function(promise, index) {
                promise.then(function() {
                    return function(index) {
                        var widget = _this.setuptasks[index];
                        widget.setLabel(widget.getLabel() + " Çêbû!");
                        for (var incrementPerStep = 100 / _this.setuptasks.length / 10, step = 0; step < 10; step++) window.setTimeout(_this.incrementProgress.bind(_this), 400 * step / 10, incrementPerStep)
                }, function(code, info) {
                    return function(index, code, info) {
                        var widget = _this.setuptasks[index];
                        widget.setLabel(widget.getLabel() + " Têk çû. " + (0, _api.makeErrorMsg)(code, info)), _this.closeButton.toggle(!0), _this.updateSize()
                    }(index, code, info)
        }, LoadDialog.prototype.getSetupProcess = function(data) {
            var _this2 = this;
            return data = data || {},, data).next(function() {
                var showOresTask = !!data.ores;
                var taskPromises = data.ores ? data.promises : data.promises.slice(0, -1);
                data.isOpened.then(function() {
                    return _this2.addTaskPromiseHandlers(taskPromises)
            }, this)
        }, LoadDialog.prototype.getHoldProcess = function(data) {
            return (data = data || {}).success ?, data).next(800) :, data)
        }, LoadDialog.prototype.getTeardownProcess = function(data) {
            var _this3 = this;
            return, data).first(function() {
                _this3.setuptasks.forEach(function(setuptask) {
                    var currentLabel = setuptask.getLabel();
                    setuptask.setLabel(currentLabel.slice(0, currentLabel.indexOf("...") + 3))
            }, this)
        var _default = LoadDialog;
        exports.default = _default
    }, {
        "../api": 15
    14: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";

        function _typeof(obj) {
            return (_typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(obj) {
                return typeof obj
            } : function(obj) {
                return obj && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;
        var _BannerWidget = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Components/BannerWidget")),
            _BannerListWidget = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Components/BannerListWidget")),
            _config = _interopRequireDefault(require("../config")),
            _api = _interopRequireWildcard(require("../api")),
            _PrefsFormWidget = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Components/PrefsFormWidget")),
            _prefs = require("../prefs"),
            _Template = require("../Template"),
            _TopBarWidget = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Components/TopBarWidget")),
            _util = require("../util"),
            cache = _interopRequireWildcard(require("../cache"));

        function _getRequireWildcardCache() {
            if ("function" != typeof WeakMap) return null;
            var cache = new WeakMap;
            return _getRequireWildcardCache = function() {
                return cache
            }, cache

        function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) {
            if (obj && obj.__esModule) return obj;
            if (null === obj || "object" !== _typeof(obj) && "function" != typeof obj) return {
                default: obj
            var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache();
            if (cache && cache.has(obj)) return cache.get(obj);
            var newObj = {},
                hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
            for (var key in obj)
                if (, key)) {
                    var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null;
                    desc && (desc.get || desc.set) ? Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc) : newObj[key] = obj[key]
                } return newObj.default = obj, cache && cache.set(obj, newObj), newObj

        function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
            return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
                default: obj

        function MainWindow(config) {
  , config)
        OO.inheritClass(MainWindow, OO.ui.ProcessDialog), = "main", MainWindow.static.title = $("<span>").css({
            "font-weight": "normal"
            "font-weight": "bold"
            href: mw.util.getUrl("Bikarhêner:Balyozxane/rater.js"),
            target: "_blank"
        }).text("Rater"), " (", $("<a>").attr({
            href: mw.util.getUrl("Bikarhêner:Balyozxane/rater.js"),
            target: "_blank"
        }).text("talk"), ") ", $("<span>").css({
            "font-size": "90%"
        }).text("v" + _config.default.script.version)), MainWindow.static.size = "large", MainWindow.static.actions = [{
            label: "X",
            title: "Close (and discard any changes)",
            flags: "primary",
            modes: ["edit", "diff", "preview"]
        }, {
            action: "showPrefs",
            flags: "safe",
            icon: "settings",
            title: "Preferences",
            modes: ["edit", "diff", "preview"]
        }, {
            action: "save",
            accessKey: "s",
            label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet("<span style='padding:0 1em;'>Qeyd bike</span>"),
            flags: ["primary", "progressive"],
            modes: ["edit", "diff", "preview"]
        }, {
            action: "preview",
            accessKey: "p",
            label: "Pêşdîtinê nîşan bide",
            modes: ["edit", "diff"]
        }, {
            action: "changes",
            accessKey: "v",
            label: "Guhartinan nîşan bide",
            modes: ["edit", "preview"]
        }, {
            action: "back",
            label: "Vegere",
            modes: ["diff", "preview"]
        }, {
            action: "savePrefs",
            label: "Rojane bike",
            flags: ["primary", "progressive"],
            modes: "prefs"
        }, {
            action: "closePrefs",
            label: "Betal bike",
            flags: "safe",
            modes: "prefs"
        }], MainWindow.prototype.initialize = function() {
  , this.preferences = _config.default.defaultPrefs, this.topBar = new _TopBarWidget.default({
                $overlay: this.$overlay
            }), this.$head.css({
                height: "73px"
            }).append(this.topBar.$element), this.oresLabel = new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
                $element: $("<span style='float:right; padding: 10px; max-width: 50%; text-align: center;'>"),
                label: $("<span>").append($("<a>").attr({
                    href: mw.util.getUrl("mw:ORES"),
                    target: "_blank"
                    "vertical-align": "text-bottom;"
                    src: "//",
                    title: "Texmîna makîneyê ji ORESê",
                    alt: "ORES logo",
                    width: "20px",
                    height: "20px"
                })), " ", $("<span class='oresPrediction'>"))
            }).toggle(!1), this.pagetypeLabel = new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
                $element: $("<span style='float:right; padding: 10px; max-width: 33.33%; text-align: center;'>")
            }).toggle(!1), this.$foot.prepend(this.oresLabel.$element, this.pagetypeLabel.$element), this.bannerList = new _BannerListWidget.default({
                preferences: this.preferences
            }), this.editLayout = new OO.ui.PanelLayout({
                padded: !1,
                expanded: !1,
                $content: this.bannerList.$element
            }), this.prefsForm = new _PrefsFormWidget.default, this.prefsLayout = new OO.ui.PanelLayout({
                padded: !0,
                expanded: !1,
                $content: this.prefsForm.$element
            }), this.parsedContentContainer = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout({
                label: "Preview"
            }), this.parsedContentWidget = new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
                label: "",
                $element: $("<div>")
            }), this.parsedContentContainer.addItems([new OO.ui.FieldLayout(this.parsedContentWidget, {
                align: "top"
            })]), this.parsedContentLayout = new OO.ui.PanelLayout({
                padded: !0,
                expanded: !1,
                $content: this.parsedContentContainer.$element
            }), this.contentArea = new OO.ui.StackLayout({
                items: [this.editLayout, this.prefsLayout, this.parsedContentLayout],
                padded: !1,
                expanded: !1
            }), this.$body.css({
                top: "73px"
            }).append(this.contentArea.$element), this.topBar.connect(this, {
                searchSelect: "onSearchSelect",
                setClasses: "onSetClasses",
                setImportances: "onSetImportances",
                removeAll: "onRemoveAll",
                clearAll: "onClearAll"
            }), this.bannerList.connect(this, {
                updatedSize: "onBannerListUpdateSize"
            }), this.$body.attr("tabindex", "999").parent().attr("tabindex", "999").keydown(function(event) {
                var scrollAmount;
                switch (event.which) {
                    case 33:
                        scrollAmount = this.$body.scrollTop() - .9 * this.$body.height();
                    case 34:
                        scrollAmount = this.$body.scrollTop() + .9 * this.$body.height();
                this.$body.scrollTop(scrollAmount), event.preventDefault()
            }.bind(this)), this.prefsForm.connect(this, {
                resetCache: "onResetCache"
        }, MainWindow.prototype.onBannerListUpdateSize = function() {
            var scrollAmount = this.$body.scrollTop();
            this.updateSize(), this.$body.scrollTop(scrollAmount)
        }, MainWindow.prototype.makeDraggable = function() {
            var $frameEl = this.$element.find(".oo-ui-window-frame"),
                $handleEl = this.$element.find(".oo-ui-processDialog-location").css({
                    cursor: "move"
                position = {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0
                constrain = function(val, minVal, maxVal) {
                    return val < minVal ? minVal : maxVal < val ? maxVal : val
                pointerdown = !1,
                dragFrom = {},
                pointer = "PointerEvent" in window ? "pointer" : "mouse";
            $handleEl.on(pointer + "enter.raterMainWin", function() {
                return $frameEl.css("will-change", "transform")
            }), $handleEl.on(pointer + "leave.raterMainWin", function() {
                pointerdown || $frameEl.css("will-change", "")
            }), $handleEl.on(pointer + "down.raterMainWin", function(event) {
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                        dy = event.clientY - dragFrom.y;
                    dragFrom.x = event.clientX, dragFrom.y = event.clientY, position.x = (val = position.x + dx, limit = window.innerWidth / 2 + $frameEl.outerWidth() / 2 - 100, constrain(val, -1 * limit, limit)), position.y = function(val) {
                        var minLimit = -1 * (window.innerHeight - $frameEl.outerHeight()) / 2,
                            maxLimit = (document.documentElement || document).scrollHeight - window.innerHeight / 2;
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                    }(position.y + dy), $frameEl.css("transform", "translate(".concat(position.x, "px, ").concat(position.y, "px)"))
            }), $("body").on(pointer + "up.raterMainWin", function() {
                pointerdown = !1, delete dragFrom.x, delete dragFrom.y, position.x = Math.round(position.x), position.y = Math.round(position.y), $frameEl.css("transform", "translate(".concat(position.x, "px, ").concat(position.y, "px)"))
        }, MainWindow.prototype.getBodyHeight = function() {
            var currentlayout = this.contentArea.getCurrentItem(),
                layoutHeight = currentlayout && currentlayout.$element.outerHeight(!0),
                contentHeight = currentlayout && currentlayout.$element.children(":first-child").outerHeight(!0);
            return Math.max(200, layoutHeight, contentHeight)
        }, MainWindow.prototype.getSetupProcess = function(data) {
            var _this = this;
            return data = data || {},, data).next(function() {
                _this.makeDraggable(), _this.setPreferences(data.preferences), _this.prefsForm.setPrefValues(data.preferences), _this.subjectPage = data.subjectPage, _this.pageInfo = {
                    redirect: data.redirectTarget,
                    isDisambig: data.disambig,
                    hasStubtag: data.stubtag,
                    isArticle: data.isArticle
                }, _this.actions.setMode("edit"), _this.bannerList.oresClass = data.isArticle && data.isList ? "List" : data.ores && data.ores.prediction, _this.bannerList.pageInfo = _this.pageInfo, _this.bannerList.addItems( {
                    return new _BannerWidget.default(bannerTemplate, {
                        preferences: _this.preferences,
                        $overlay: _this.$overlay,
                        isArticle: _this.pageInfo.isArticle
                var shellTemplateBanner = _this.bannerList.items.find(function(banner) {
                    return banner.isShellTemplate
                shellTemplateBanner && shellTemplateBanner.shellParam1Value && (shellTemplateBanner.nonStandardTemplates = _this.bannerList.items.reduce(function(bannersList, curBanner) {
                    return bannersList.replace(curBanner.wikitext, "")
                }, shellTemplateBanner.shellParam1Value).trim().replace(/\n+/g, "\n")), _this.bannerList.addShellTemplateIfNeeeded().syncShellTemplateWithBiographyBanner(), _this.pageInfo.redirect ? _this.pagetypeLabel.setLabel("Rûpela beralîkirinê").toggle(!0) : _this.pageInfo.isDisambig ? _this.pagetypeLabel.setLabel("Rûpela cudakirinê").toggle(!0) : _this.pageInfo.isArticle && data.isGA ? _this.pagetypeLabel.setLabel("Gotara baş").toggle(!0) : _this.pageInfo.isArticle && data.isFA ? _this.pagetypeLabel.setLabel("Gotara bijartî").toggle(!0) : _this.pageInfo.isArticle && data.isFL ? _this.pagetypeLabel.setLabel("Lîsteya bijartî").toggle(!0) : _this.pageInfo.isArticle && data.isList ? _this.pagetypeLabel.setLabel("List article").toggle(!0) : data.ores ? (_this.oresClass = data.ores.prediction, _this.oresLabel.toggle(!0).$element.find(".oresPrediction").append("Texmîn: ", $("<strong>").text(data.ores.prediction), "&nbsp;(" + data.ores.probability + ")")) : _this.pageInfo.isArticle ? _this.pagetypeLabel.setLabel("Rûpela gotarê").toggle(!0) : _this.pagetypeLabel.setLabel("Rûpela " + _this.subjectPage.getNamespacePrefix().slice(0, -1)).toggle(!0), _this.talkWikitext = data.talkWikitext, _this.existingBannerNames = {
                }), _this.talkpage = data.talkpage, _this.updateSize()
            }, this)
        }, MainWindow.prototype.getReadyProcess = function(data) {
            var _this2 = this;
            return data = data || {},, data).next(function() {
                return _this2.topBar.searchBox.focus()
        }, MainWindow.prototype.getActionProcess = function(action) {
            var _this3 = this;
            if ("showPrefs" === action) this.actions.setMode("prefs"), this.contentArea.setItem(this.prefsLayout), this.topBar.setDisabled(!0), this.updateSize();
            else {
                if ("savePrefs" === action) {
                    var updatedPrefs = this.prefsForm.getPrefs();
                    return (new OO.ui.Process).next((0, _prefs.setPrefs)(updatedPrefs).then(function() {
                        _this3.setPreferences(updatedPrefs), _this3.actions.setMode("edit"), _this3.contentArea.setItem(_this3.editLayout), _this3.topBar.setDisabled(!1), _this3.updateSize()
                    }, function(code, err) {
                        return $.Deferred().reject(new OO.ui.Error($("<div>").append($("<strong style='display:block;'>").text("Could not save preferences."), $("<span style='color:#777'>").text((0, _api.makeErrorMsg)(code, err)))))
                if ("clearCache" === action) return (new OO.ui.Process).next(function() {
                    cache.clearAllItems(), _this3.close({
                        restart: !0
                if ("closePrefs" === action) this.actions.setMode("edit"), this.contentArea.setItem(this.editLayout), this.topBar.setDisabled(!1), this.prefsForm.setPrefValues(this.preferences), this.updateSize();
                else {
                    if ("save" === action) return (new OO.ui.Process).next(_api.default.editWithRetry(this.talkpage.getPrefixedText(), {
                        rvsection: 0
                    }, function(revision) {
                        return {
                            section: 0,
                            text: _this3.transformTalkWikitext(revision.content),
                            summary: _this3.makeEditSummary(),
                            watchlist: _this3.preferences.watchlist
                    }).catch(function(code, err) {
                        return $.Deferred().reject(new OO.ui.Error($("<div>").append($("<strong style='display:block;'>").text("Could not save your changes."), $("<span style='color:#777'>").text((0, _api.makeErrorMsg)(code, err)))))
                    })).next(function() {
                        return _this3.close({
                            success: !0,
                            upgradedStub: _this3.pageInfo.hasStubtag && _this3.isRatedAndNotStub()
                    if ("preview" === action) return (new OO.ui.Process).next({
                        action: "parse",
                        contentmodel: "wikitext",
                        text: this.transformTalkWikitext(this.talkWikitext) + "\n<hr>\n'''Kurteya guhartinê:''' " + this.makeEditSummary(),
                        title: this.talkpage.getPrefixedText(),
                        pst: 1
                    }).then(function(result) {
                        if (!(result && result.parse && result.parse.text && result.parse.text["*"])) return $.Deferred().reject("Empty result");
                        var previewHtmlSnippet = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(result.parse.text["*"]);
                        _this3.parsedContentWidget.setLabel(previewHtmlSnippet), _this3.parsedContentContainer.setLabel("Preview:"), _this3.actions.setMode("preview"), _this3.contentArea.setItem(_this3.parsedContentLayout), _this3.topBar.setDisabled(!0), _this3.updateSize()
                    }).catch(function(code, err) {
                        return $.Deferred().reject(new OO.ui.Error($("<div>").append($("<strong style='display:block;'>").text("Could not show changes."), $("<span style='color:#777'>").text((0, _api.makeErrorMsg)(code, err)))))
                    if ("changes" === action) return (new OO.ui.Process).next({
                        action: "compare",
                        format: "json",
                        fromtext: this.talkWikitext,
                        fromcontentmodel: "wikitext",
                        totext: this.transformTalkWikitext(this.talkWikitext),
                        tocontentmodel: "wikitext",
                        prop: "diff"
                    }).then(function(result) {
                        if (!result || ! || !["*"]) return $.Deferred().reject("Empty result");
                        var $diff = $("<table>").addClass("diff").css("width", "100%").append($("<tr>").append($("<th>").attr({
                            colspan: "2",
                            scope: "col"
                        }).css("width", "50%").text("Latest revision"), $("<th>").attr({
                            colspan: "2",
                            scope: "col"
                        }).css("width", "50%").text("New text")),["*"], $("<tfoot>").append($("<tr>").append($("<td colspan='4'>").append($("<strong>").text("Edit summary: "), _this3.makeEditSummary()))));
                        _this3.parsedContentWidget.setLabel($diff), _this3.parsedContentContainer.setLabel("Changes:"), _this3.actions.setMode("diff"), _this3.contentArea.setItem(_this3.parsedContentLayout), _this3.topBar.setDisabled(!0), _this3.updateSize()
                    }).catch(function(code, err) {
                        return $.Deferred().reject(new OO.ui.Error($("<div>").append($("<strong style='display:block;'>").text("Could not show changes."), $("<span style='color:#777'>").text((0, _api.makeErrorMsg)(code, err)))))
                    if ("back" === action) this.actions.setMode("edit"), this.contentArea.setItem(this.editLayout), this.topBar.setDisabled(!1), this.updateSize();
                    else if (!action && this.bannerList.changed) return (new OO.ui.Process).next(OO.ui.confirm("Guhartin dê werin betalkirin.", {
                        title: "Raterê bigire?"
                    }).then(function(confirmed) {
                        return confirmed ? _this3.close() : null
            return, action)
        }, MainWindow.prototype.getTeardownProcess = function(data) {
            var _this4 = this;
            return, data).first(function() {
                _this4.bannerList.clearItems(), _this4.topBar.searchBox.setValue(""), _this4.contentArea.setItem(_this4.editLayout), _this4.topBar.setDisabled(!1), _this4.oresLabel.toggle(!1).$element.find(".oresPrediction").empty(), _this4.pagetypeLabel.toggle(!1).setLabel(""), _this4.$element.find(".oo-ui-window-frame").css("transform", ""), _this4.$element.find(".oo-ui-processDialog-location").off(".raterMainWin"), $("body").off(".raterMainWin")
        }, MainWindow.prototype.setPreferences = function(prefs) {
            this.preferences = $.extend({}, _config.default.defaultPrefs, prefs), this.bannerList.setPreferences(this.preferences)
        }, MainWindow.prototype.onResetCache = function() {
        }, MainWindow.prototype.onSearchSelect = function(data) {
            var _this5 = this;
            var name = this.topBar.searchBox.getValue().trim();
            if (name) {
                var confirmText;
                if (this.bannerList.items.find(function(banner) {
                        return banner.mainText === name || banner.redirectTargetMainText === name
                    })) return this.topBar.searchBox.popPending(), OO.ui.alert("There is already a {{" + name + "}} banner").then(this.searchBox.focus());
                /^^[Ww](?:P|îkî[Pp]roje)/.test(name) ? "WikiProject Disambiguation" === name && 0 !== $("").length && 0 === this.bannerList.items.length && (confirmText = "New talk pages shouldn't be created if they will only contain the {{WikiProject Disambiguation}} banner. Continue?") : confirmText = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet("{{" + mw.html.escape(name) + "}} is not a recognised WikiProject banner.<br/>Do you want to continue?"), $.when(!confirmText || OO.ui.confirm(confirmText)).then(function(confirmed) {
                    if (confirmed) return _BannerWidget.default.newFromTemplateName(name, data, {
                        preferences: _this5.preferences,
                        $overlay: _this5.$overlay,
                        isArticle: _this5.pageInfo.isArticle
                    }).then(function(banner) {
                        _this5.bannerList.addItems([banner]), banner.setChanged(), _this5.updateSize()
                }).then(function() {
                    return _this5.topBar.searchBox.setValue("").focus().popPending()
            } else this.topBar.searchBox.popPending().focus()
        }, MainWindow.prototype.onSetClasses = function(classVal) {
            var shellTemplate = this.bannerList.items.find(function(banner) {
                return banner.isShellTemplate
            shellTemplate && (shellTemplate.classDropdown.getMenu().selectItemByData(classVal), shellTemplate.classDropdown.setAutofilled(!1)), this.bannerList.items.forEach(function(banner) {
                banner.hasClassRatings && !banner.isShellTemplate && (banner.classDropdown.getMenu().selectItemByData(shellTemplate ? null : classVal), banner.classDropdown.setAutofilled(!1))
        }, MainWindow.prototype.onSetImportances = function(importanceVal) {
            this.bannerList.items.forEach(function(banner) {
                banner.hasImportanceRatings && (banner.importanceDropdown.getMenu().selectItemByData(importanceVal), banner.importanceDropdown.setAutofilled(!1))
        }, MainWindow.prototype.onRemoveAll = function() {
        }, MainWindow.prototype.onClearAll = function() {
            this.bannerList.items.forEach(function(banner) {
                return banner.onClearButtonClick()
        }, MainWindow.prototype.transformTalkWikitext = function(talkWikitext) {
            var _this6 = this,
                bannersWikitext = this.bannerList.makeWikitext();
            if (!talkWikitext) return bannersWikitext.trim();
            var talkTemplates = (0, _Template.parseTemplates)(talkWikitext, !0);
            talkTemplates.forEach(function(template) {
                _this6.existingBannerNames.includes( && (talkWikitext = talkWikitext.replace(template.wikitext, "\x01"))
            var talkWikitextSections = (talkWikitext = (talkWikitext = talkWikitext.replace("\x01", "\x02")).replace(/(?:\s|\n)*\x01(?:\s|\n)*/g, "")).split("\x02").map(function(t) {
                return t.trim()
            if (2 === talkWikitextSections.length) return (talkWikitextSections[0] + "\n" + bannersWikitext.trim() + "\n" + talkWikitextSections[1]).trim();
            var tempStr = talkWikitext;
            return talkTemplates.forEach(function(template) {
                tempStr = tempStr.replace(template.wikitext, "")
            }), /^#BERALÎKIRIN/i.test(talkWikitext) || !tempStr.trim() ? talkWikitext.trim() + "\n" + bannersWikitext.trim() : bannersWikitext.trim() + "\n" + talkWikitext.trim()
        }, MainWindow.prototype.isRatedAndNotStub = function() {
            return 0 < this.bannerList.items.filter(function(banner) {
                return banner.hasClassRatings && banner.classDropdown.getValue() && "Şitil" !== banner.classDropdown.getValue()
        }, MainWindow.prototype.makeEditSummary = function() {
            var _this7 = this,
                removedBanners = [],
                editedBanners = [],
                newBanners = [],
                shortName = function(name) {
                    return name.replace("Wîkîproje ", "").replace("Subst:", "")
                allClasses = (0, _util.uniqueArray)((0, _util.filterAndMap)(this.bannerList.items, function(banner) {
                    return banner.hasClassRatings || banner.isShellTemplate
                }, function(banner) {
                    return banner.classDropdown.getValue()
                overallClass = 1 === allClasses.length && allClasses[0],
                allImportances = (0, _util.uniqueArray)((0, _util.filterAndMap)(this.bannerList.items, function(banner) {
                    return banner.hasImportanceRatings
                }, function(banner) {
                    return banner.importanceDropdown.getValue()
                overallImportance = 1 === allImportances.length && allImportances[0],
                someClassesChanged = !1,
                someImportancesChanged = !1;
            this.existingBannerNames.forEach(function(name) {
                _this7.bannerList.items.find(function(banner) {
                    return === name || banner.bypassedName === name
                }) || removedBanners.push("\u2212" + shortName(name))
            }), this.bannerList.items.forEach(function(banner) {
                var isNew = !banner.wikitext;
                if (isNew || banner.changed) {
                    var newClass = banner.hasClassRatings && (isNew || banner.classChanged) && banner.classDropdown.getValue();
                    newClass && (someClassesChanged = !0), overallClass && (newClass = null);
                    var newImportance = banner.hasImportanceRatings && (isNew || banner.importanceChanged) && banner.importanceDropdown.getValue();
                    newImportance && (someImportancesChanged = !0), overallImportance && (newImportance = null);
                    var rating = newClass && newImportance ? newClass + "/" + newImportance : newClass || newImportance || "";
                    rating = rating && " (" + rating + ")", isNew ? newBanners.push("+" + shortName( + rating) : editedBanners.push(shortName( + rating)
            var overallRating = someClassesChanged && overallClass && someImportancesChanged && overallImportance ? overallClass + "/" + overallImportance : someClassesChanged && overallClass || someImportancesChanged && overallImportance || "";
            return "Nirxandin".concat(overallRating = overallRating && " (" + overallRating + ")", ": ").concat([].concat(editedBanners, newBanners, removedBanners).join(", ")).concat(_config.default.script.advert)
        var _default = MainWindow;
        exports.default = _default
    }, {
        "../Template": 3,
        "../api": 15,
        "../cache": 17,
        "../config": 18,
        "../prefs": 21,
        "../util": 23,
        "./Components/BannerListWidget": 4,
        "./Components/BannerWidget": 5,
        "./Components/PrefsFormWidget": 10,
        "./Components/TopBarWidget": 12
    15: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.makeErrorMsg = exports.default = void 0;
        var obj, _config = (obj = require("./config")) && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
            default: obj

        function _typeof(obj) {
            return (_typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(obj) {
                return typeof obj
            } : function(obj) {
                return obj && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj
        var API = new mw.Api({
            ajax: {
                headers: {
                    "Api-User-Agent": "Rater/" + _config.default.script.version + " ( )"
        API.getORES = function(revisionID) {
            return $.get("" + revisionID)
        }, API.getRaw = function(page) {
            return $.get("https:" + + mw.util.getUrl(page, {
                action: "raw"
            })).then(function(data) {
                return data || $.Deferred().reject("ok-but-empty")
        var getPage = function(title, params) {
                return API.get($.extend({
                    action: "query",
                    format: "json",
                    curtimestamp: 1,
                    titles: title,
                    prop: "revisions|info",
                    rvprop: "content|timestamp",
                    rvslots: "main"
                }, params)).then(function(response) {
                    var page = Object.values(response.query.pages)[0],
                        starttime = response.curtimestamp;
                    return $.Deferred().resolve(page, starttime)
            processPage = function(page, starttime, transform) {
                var basetimestamp = page.revisions && page.revisions[0].timestamp,
                    simplifiedPage = {
                        pageid: page.pageid,
                        missing: "" === page.missing,
                        redirect: "" === page.redirect,
                        categories: page.categories,
                        ns: page.ns,
                        title: page.title,
                        content: page.revisions && page.revisions[0].slots.main["*"]
                return $.when(transform(simplifiedPage)).then(function(editParams) {
                    return $.extend({
                        action: "edit",
                        title: page.title,
                        assert: "user",
                        basetimestamp: basetimestamp,
                        starttimestamp: starttime
                    }, editParams)
        API.editWithRetry = function(title, getParams, transform) {
            return getPage(title, getParams).then(function(page, starttime) {
                return processPage(page, starttime, transform)
            }, function() {
                return getPage(title, getParams).then(processPage, transform)
            }).then(function(editParams) {
                return API.postWithToken("csrf", editParams).catch(function(errorCode) {
                    return "editconflict" === errorCode ? API.editWithRetry(title, getParams, transform) : API.postWithToken("csrf", editParams)
        exports.makeErrorMsg = function(first, second) {
            var code, xhr, message;
            if ("object" === _typeof(first) && "string" == typeof second) {
                var errorObj = first.responseJSON && first.responseJSON.error;
                errorObj ? (code = errorObj.code, message = errorObj.message) : xhr = first
            } else if ("string" == typeof first && "object" === _typeof(second)) {
                second.error ? (code = errorObj.code, message = : "ok-but-empty" === first ? (code = null, message = "Got an empty response from the server") : xhr = second && second.xhr
            return code && message ? "API error ".concat(code, ": ").concat(message) : message ? "API error: ".concat(message) : xhr ? "HTTP error ".concat(xhr.status) : "string" == typeof first && "error" !== first && "string" == typeof second && "error" !== second ? "Error ".concat(first, ": ").concat(second) : "string" == typeof first && "error" !== first ? "Error: ".concat(first) : "Unknown API error"
        var _default = API;
        exports.default = _default
    }, {
        "./config": 18
    16: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";

        function _typeof(obj) {
            return (_typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(obj) {
                return typeof obj
            } : function(obj) {
                return obj && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;
        var _config = _interopRequireDefault(require("./config")),
            _prefs = require("./prefs"),
            _api = function(obj) {
                if (obj && obj.__esModule) return obj;
                if (null === obj || "object" !== _typeof(obj) && "function" != typeof obj) return {
                    default: obj
                var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache();
                if (cache && cache.has(obj)) return cache.get(obj);
                var newObj = {},
                    hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
                for (var key in obj)
                    if (, key)) {
                        var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null;
                        desc && (desc.get || desc.set) ? Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc) : newObj[key] = obj[key]
                    } newObj.default = obj, cache && cache.set(obj, newObj);
                return newObj
            _setup = _interopRequireDefault(require("./setup"));

        function _getRequireWildcardCache() {
            if ("function" != typeof WeakMap) return null;
            var cache = new WeakMap;
            return _getRequireWildcardCache = function() {
                return cache
            }, cache

        function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
            return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
                default: obj

        function _default() {
            return (0, _prefs.getPrefs)().then(function(prefs) {
                if (prefs.autostart && ((prefs.autostartRedirects || !"redirect=no")) && !/(action|diff|oldid)/.test( && "Destpêk" !== mw.Title.newFromText( && (!prefs.autostartNamespaces || !prefs.autostartNamespaces.length || prefs.autostartNamespaces.includes( {
                    if ($("").length) return (0, _setup.default)();
                    var talkTitle = mw.Title.newFromText(;
                    return _api.default.get({
                        action: "query",
                        format: "json",
                        prop: "templates",
                        titles: talkTitle.getPrefixedText(),
                        tlnamespace: "10",
                        tllimit: "500",
                        indexpageids: 1
                    }).then(function(result) {
                        var id = result.query.pageids,
                            templates = result.query.pages[id].templates;
                        return templates && templates.some(function(template) {
                            return /(Wîkîproje|WPBanner)/.test(template.title)
                        }) ? void 0 : (0, _setup.default)()
                    }, function(code, jqxhr) {
                        return console.warn(""), $.Deferred().reject()
        exports.default = _default
    }, {
        "./api": 15,
        "./config": 18,
        "./prefs": 21,
        "./setup": 22
    17: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.clearAllItems = exports.clearInvalidItems = exports.clearItemIfInvalid = = exports.write = void 0;
        var _util = require("./util");
        exports.write = function(key, val, staleDays, expiryDays) {
            try {
                var staleDuration = 864e5 * (staleDays || 1),
                    expiryDuration = 864e5 * (expiryDays || 30),
                    stringVal = JSON.stringify({
                        value: val,
                        staleDate: new Date( + staleDuration).toISOString(),
                        expiryDate: new Date( + expiryDuration).toISOString()
                localStorage.setItem("Rater-" + key, stringVal)
            } catch (e) {}
        var read = function(key) {
            var val;
            try {
                var stringVal = localStorage.getItem("Rater-" + key);
                "" !== stringVal && (val = JSON.parse(stringVal))
            } catch (e) {
                console.log("[Rater] error reading " + key + " from localStorage cache:"), console.log("\t" + + " message: " + e.message + ( ? " at: " + : "") + (e.text ? " text: " + e.text : ""))
            return val || null
        }; = read;
        var isRaterKey = function(key) {
                return key && 0 === key.indexOf("Rater-")
            clearItemIfInvalid = function(key) {
                if (isRaterKey(key)) {
                    var item = read(key.replace("Rater-", ""));
                    (!item || !item.expiryDate || (0, _util.isAfterDate)(item.expiryDate)) && localStorage.removeItem(key)
        exports.clearItemIfInvalid = clearItemIfInvalid;
        exports.clearInvalidItems = function() {
            for (var i = localStorage.length; 0 <= i; i--) setTimeout(clearItemIfInvalid, 100, localStorage.key(i))
        exports.clearAllItems = function() {
            for (var i = localStorage.length; 0 <= i; i--) {
                var key = localStorage.key(i);
                isRaterKey(key) && localStorage.removeItem(key)
    }, {
        "./util": 23
    18: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;
        var version = require("../package.json").version,
            _default = {
                script: {
                    advert: " ([[WP:RATER#".concat(version, "|Rater]])"),
                    version: version
                defaultPrefs: {
                    autostart: !1,
                    autostartRedirects: !1,
                    autostartNamespaces: [0],
                    minForShell: 1,
                    bypassRedirects: !0,
                    autofillClassFromOthers: !0,
                    autofillClassFromOres: !0,
                    autofillImportance: !0,
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                bannerDefaults: {
                    classes: ["Şitil", "Destpêkî", "C", "B",  "GBA", "A",  "GB", "LB",  "Lîste"],
                    importances: ["Herî zêde", "Zêde", "Navîn", "Kêm"],
                    extendedClasses: ["Kategorî", "Draft", "Wêne", "WB", "Portal", "Proje", "Şablon", "Bplus", "Future", "Current", "Cudakirin", "NA", "Beralîkirin", "Book"],
                    extendedImportances: ["Herî zêde", "Zêde", "Navîn", "Kêm", "Herî kêm", "NA"]
                customBanners: {
                    "WikiProject Military history": {
                        classes: ["FA", "FL", "A", "GA", "B", "C", "Start", "Stub", "List", "AL", "BL", "CL", "Category", "Draft", "File", "Portal", "Project", "Template", "Disambig", "Redirect", "Book"],
                        importances: []
                    "WikiProject Portals": {
                        classes: ["FPo", "Complete", "Substantial", "Basic", "Incomplete", "Meta", "List", "Category", "Draft", "File", "Project", "Template", "Disambig", "NA", "Redirect"],
                        importances: ["Top", "High", "Mid", "Low", "Bottom", "NA"]
                    "WikiProject Video games": {
                        classes: ["FA", "FL", "FM", "GA", "B", "C", "Start", "Stub", "List", "Category", "Draft", "File", "Portal", "Project", "Template", "Disambig", "Redirect"],
                        importances: ["Top", "High", "Mid", "Low", "NA"]
                shellTemplates: ["Kalika wîkîprojeyê","Kalika Wîkîprojeyê", "WikiProject banner shell", "WikiProject Banners", "WPB", "WPBS", "Wikiprojectbannershell", "WikiProject Banner Shell", "Wpb", "WPBannerShell", "Wpbs", "Wikiprojectbanners", "WP Banner Shell", "WP banner shell", "Bannershell", "Wikiproject banner shell", "WikiProject Banners Shell", "WikiProjectBanner Shell", "WikiProjectBannerShell", "WikiProject BannerShell", "WikiprojectBannerShell", "WikiProject banner shell/redirect", "WikiProject Shell", "Banner shell", "Scope shell", "Project shell", "WikiProject banner"],
                defaultParameterData: {
                    auto: {
                        label: {
                            en: "Auto-rated"
                        description: {
                            en: "Automatically rated by a bot. Allowed values: ['yes']."
                        autovalue: "yes"
                    listas: {
                        label: {
                            en: "List as"
                        description: {
                            en: "Sortkey for talk page"
                    small: {
                        label: {
                            en: "Small?"
                        description: {
                            en: "Display a small version. Allowed values: ['yes']."
                        autovalue: "yes"
                    attention: {
                        label: {
                            en: "Attention required?"
                        description: {
                            en: "Immediate attention required. Allowed values: ['yes']."
                        autovalue: "yes"
                    "needs-image": {
                        label: {
                            en: "Needs image?"
                        description: {
                            en: "Request that an image or photograph of the subject be added to the article. Allowed values: ['yes']."
                        aliases: ["needs-photo"],
                        autovalue: "yes",
                        suggested: !0
                    "needs-infobox": {
                        label: {
                            en: "Needs infobox?"
                        description: {
                            en: "Request that an infobox be added to the article. Allowed values: ['yes']."
                        aliases: ["needs-photo"],
                        autovalue: "yes",
                        suggested: !0
        exports.default = _default
    }, {
        "../package.json": 1
    19: [function(require, module, exports) {
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        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;
        exports.default = "table.diff, td.diff-otitle, td.diff-ntitle { table-layout: auto !important;; }\ntd.diff-otitle, td.diff-ntitle { text-align: center; }\ntd.diff-marker { text-align: right; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.25em; }\ntd.diff-lineno { font-weight: bold; }\ntd.diff-addedline, td.diff-deletedline, td.diff-context { font-size: 88%; vertical-align: top; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: pre-wrap; }\ntd.diff-addedline, td.diff-deletedline { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 4px; border-radius: 0.33em; }\ntd.diff-addedline { border-color: #a3d3ff; }\ntd.diff-deletedline { border-color: #ffe49c; }\ntd.diff-context { background: #f3f3f3; color: #333333; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 4px; border-color: #e6e6e6; border-radius: 0.33em; }\n.diffchange { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; }\ntable.diff {\n    border: none;\n    width: 98%; border-spacing: 4px;\n    table-layout: fixed; /* Ensures that colums are of equal width */\n}\ntd.diff-addedline .diffchange, td.diff-deletedline .diffchange { border-radius: 0.33em; padding: 0.25em 0; }\ntd.diff-addedline .diffchange {\tbackground: #d8ecff; }\ntd.diff-deletedline .diffchange { background: #feeec8; }\ntable.diff td {\tpadding: 0.33em 0.66em; }\ntable.diff col.diff-marker { width: 2%; }\ntable.diff col.diff-content { width: 48%; }\ntable.diff td div {\n    /* Force-wrap very long lines such as URLs or page-widening char strings. */\n    word-wrap: break-word;\n    /* As fallback (FF<3.5, Opera <10.5), scrollbars will be added for very wide cells\n        instead of text overflowing or widening */\n    overflow: auto;\n}html body.rater-mainWindow-open {\n\tposition: unset;\n\toverflow: unset;\n}\nhtml body.rater-mainWindow-open .oo-ui-windowManager-modal > .oo-ui-dialog.oo-ui-window-active {\n    position: static;\n    padding: 0;\n}html body.rater-mainWindow-open .oo-ui-dialog.oo-ui-window-active > div {\n    z-index: 110;\n    transition: all 0.25s ease-out 0s, transform 0s !important\n}\nhtml body.rater-mainWindow-open #mw-teleport-target {\n    top: 0;\n    bottom: 0;\n    left: 0;\n    right:0;\n}\n"
    }, {}],
    20: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";

        function _typeof(obj) {
            return (_typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(obj) {
                return typeof obj
            } : function(obj) {
                return obj && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.getBannerNames = void 0;
        var _api = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./api")),
            _util = require("./util"),
            cache = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./cache"));

        function _getRequireWildcardCache() {
            if ("function" != typeof WeakMap) return null;
            var cache = new WeakMap;
            return _getRequireWildcardCache = function() {
                return cache
            }, cache

        function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) {
            if (obj && obj.__esModule) return obj;
            if (null === obj || "object" !== _typeof(obj) && "function" != typeof obj) return {
                default: obj
            var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache();
            if (cache && cache.has(obj)) return cache.get(obj);
            var newObj = {},
                hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
            for (var key in obj)
                if (, key)) {
                    var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null;
                    desc && (desc.get || desc.set) ? Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc) : newObj[key] = obj[key]
                } return newObj.default = obj, cache && cache.set(obj, newObj), newObj
        var cacheBanners = function(banners) {
                cache.write("banners", banners, 2, 60)
            getListOfBannersFromApi = function() {
                var finishedPromise = $.Deferred(),
                    querySkeleton = {
                        action: "query",
                        format: "json",
                        list: "categorymembers",
                        cmprop: "title",
                        cmnamespace: "10",
                        cmlimit: "500"
                    categories = [{
                        title: "Kategorî:Şablonên Wîkîprojeyan yên bi nirxandina kalîteyê",
                        abbreviation: "withRatings",
                        banners: [],
                        processed: $.Deferred()
                    }, {
                        title: "Kategorî:Şablonên Wîkîprojeyan yên bê nirxandina kalîteyê",
                        abbreviation: "withoutRatings",
                        banners: [],
                        processed: $.Deferred()
                    }, {
//                        title: "Category:WikiProject banner wrapper templates",
                        title: "Category:WikiProject banner wrapper templates",
                        abbreviation: "wrappers",
                        banners: [],
                        processed: $.Deferred()
                    }, {
                        title: "Kategorî:Şablonên Wîkîprojeyan yên bê nirxandina kalîteyê",
//                        title: "Category:WikiProject banner templates not based on WPBannerMeta",
                        abbreviation: "notWPBM",
                        banners: [],
                        processed: $.Deferred()
                    }, {
//                        title: "Category:Inactive WikiProject banners",
                        title: "Kategorî:Şablonên Wîkîprojeyan yên bê nirxandina kalîteyê",
                        abbreviation: "inactive",
                        banners: [],
                        processed: $.Deferred()
                    }, {
                        title: "Kategorî:Şablonên Wîkîprojeyan yên bê nirxandina kalîteyê",
//                        title: "Category:Wrapper templates for WikiProject Women in Red",
                        abbreviation: "wir",
                        banners: [],
                        processed: $.Deferred()
                    processQuery = function(result, catIndex) {
                        if (result.query && result.query.categorymembers) {
                            var resultTitles = {
                                return info.title.slice(7)
                            Array.prototype.push.apply(categories[catIndex].banners, resultTitles), result.continue ? doApiQuery($.extend(categories[catIndex].query, result.continue), catIndex) : categories[catIndex].processed.resolve()
                        } else finishedPromise.reject()
                    doApiQuery = function(q, catIndex) {
                        _api.default.get(q).done(function(result) {
                            processQuery(result, catIndex)
                        }).fail(function(code, jqxhr) {
                            console.warn("[Rater] " + (0, _api.makeErrorMsg)(code, jqxhr, "Could not retrieve pages from [[:" + q.cmtitle + "]]")), finishedPromise.reject()
                return categories.forEach(function(cat, index, arr) {
                    cat.query = $.extend({
                        cmtitle: cat.title
                    }, querySkeleton), $.when(arr[index - 1] && arr[index - 1].processed || !0).then(function() {
                        doApiQuery(cat.query, index)
                }), categories[categories.length - 1].processed.then(function() {
                    var banners = {};
                    categories.forEach(function(catObject) {
                        banners[catObject.abbreviation] = catObject.banners
                    }), finishedPromise.resolve(banners)
                }), finishedPromise
        exports.getBannerNames = function() {
            return ((cachedBanners ="banners")) && cachedBanners.value && cachedBanners.staleDate ? ((0, _util.isAfterDate)(cachedBanners.staleDate) && getListOfBannersFromApi().then(cacheBanners), $.Deferred().resolve(cachedBanners.value)) : $.Deferred().reject()).then(function(banners) {
                return banners.withRatings && banners.withoutRatings && banners.wrappers && banners.notWPBM && banners.inactive && banners.wir ? banners : (getListOfBannersFromApi().then(cacheBanners), $.extend({
                    withRatings: [],
                    withoutRatings: [],
                    wrappers: [],
                    notWPBM: [],
                    inactive: [],
                    wir: []
                }, banners))
            }).catch(function() {
                var bannersPromise = getListOfBannersFromApi();
                return bannersPromise.then(cacheBanners), bannersPromise
            var cachedBanners
    }, {
        "./api": 15,
        "./cache": 17,
        "./util": 23
    21: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";

        function _typeof(obj) {
            return (_typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(obj) {
                return typeof obj
            } : function(obj) {
                return obj && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.setPrefs = exports.getPrefs = exports.default = void 0;
        var _api = _interopRequireDefault(require("./api")),
            _util = require("./util"),
            _config = _interopRequireDefault(require("./config")),
            cache = function(obj) {
                if (obj && obj.__esModule) return obj;
                if (null === obj || "object" !== _typeof(obj) && "function" != typeof obj) return {
                    default: obj
                var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache();
                if (cache && cache.has(obj)) return cache.get(obj);
                var newObj = {},
                    hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
                for (var key in obj)
                    if (, key)) {
                        var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null;
                        desc && (desc.get || desc.set) ? Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc) : newObj[key] = obj[key]
                    } newObj.default = obj, cache && cache.set(obj, newObj);
                return newObj

        function _getRequireWildcardCache() {
            if ("function" != typeof WeakMap) return null;
            var cache = new WeakMap;
            return _getRequireWildcardCache = function() {
                return cache
            }, cache

        function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
            return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
                default: obj
        var prefsPage = "User:".concat(mw.config.get("wgUserName"), "/raterPrefs.json"),
            writePrefsToCache = function(prefs) {
                return cache.write("prefs", prefs, 1 / 24 / 60 * 1, 1 / 24 / 60 * 1)
            getPrefs = function() {
                return ((cachedPrefs ="prefs")) && cachedPrefs.value && cachedPrefs.staleDate && !(0, _util.isAfterDate)(cachedPrefs.staleDate) ? $.Deferred().resolve(cachedPrefs.value) : $.Deferred().reject()).then(function(prefs) {
                    return $.Deferred().resolve(prefs)
                }, function() {
                    return _api.default.get({
                        action: "query",
                        format: "json",
                        prop: "revisions",
                        titles: prefsPage,
                        rvprop: "content",
                        rvslots: "main"
                    }).then(function(response) {
                        var prefs, page = response.query.pages[Object.keys(response.query.pages)[0]];
                        if (!page.pageid || "" === page.missing) return _config.default.defaultPrefs;
                        try {
                            prefs = JSON.parse(page.revisions[0].slots.main["*"])
                        } catch (e) {
                            return $.Deferred().reject("JSON-parsing-error", e)
                        return writePrefsToCache(prefs), prefs
                var cachedPrefs
            setPrefs = function(updatedPrefs) {
                return _api.default.editWithRetry(prefsPage, null, function() {
                    return {
                        text: JSON.stringify(updatedPrefs),
                        summary: "Saving Rater preferences " + _config.default.script.advert
                }).then(function() {
                    return writePrefsToCache(updatedPrefs)
            _default = {
                get: exports.getPrefs = getPrefs,
                set: exports.setPrefs = setPrefs
        exports.default = _default
    }, {
        "./api": 15,
        "./cache": 17,
        "./config": 18,
        "./util": 23
    22: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";

        function _typeof(obj) {
            return (_typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(obj) {
                return typeof obj
            } : function(obj) {
                return obj && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;
        var _config = _interopRequireDefault(require("./config")),
            _api = _interopRequireDefault(require("./api")),
            _Template = require("./Template"),
            _getBanners = require("./getBanners"),
            cache = function(obj) {
                if (obj && obj.__esModule) return obj;
                if (null === obj || "object" !== _typeof(obj) && "function" != typeof obj) return {
                    default: obj
                var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache();
                if (cache && cache.has(obj)) return cache.get(obj);
                var newObj = {},
                    hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
                for (var key in obj)
                    if (, key)) {
                        var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null;
                        desc && (desc.get || desc.set) ? Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc) : newObj[key] = obj[key]
                    } newObj.default = obj, cache && cache.set(obj, newObj);
                return newObj
            _windowManager = _interopRequireDefault(require("./windowManager")),
            _prefs = require("./prefs"),
            _util = require("./util");

        function _getRequireWildcardCache() {
            if ("function" != typeof WeakMap) return null;
            var cache = new WeakMap;
            return _getRequireWildcardCache = function() {
                return cache
            }, cache

        function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
            return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
                default: obj

        function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) {
            var keys = Object.keys(object);
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
                var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object);
                enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) {
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable
                })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols)
            return keys

        function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
            return key in obj ? Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
                value: value,
                enumerable: !0,
                configurable: !0,
                writable: !0
            }) : obj[key] = value, obj

        function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
            return function(arr) {
                if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr)
            }(arr) || function(iter) {
                if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter)
            }(arr) || function(o, minLen) {
                if (!o) return;
                if ("string" == typeof o) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
                var n =, -1);
                "Object" === n && o.constructor && (n =;
                if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(n);
                if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen)
            }(arr) || function() {
                throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")

        function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
            (null == len || len > arr.length) && (len = arr.length);
            for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
            return arr2

        function _default(clickEvent) {
            clickEvent && clickEvent.preventDefault();
            var setupCompletedPromise = $.Deferred(),
                currentPage = mw.Title.newFromText(,
                talkPage = currentPage && currentPage.getTalkPage(),
                subjectPage = currentPage && currentPage.getSubjectPage(),
                subjectIsArticle = <= 1,
                prefsPromise = (0, _prefs.getPrefs)(),
                bannersPromise = (0, _getBanners.getBannerNames)(),
                loadTalkPromise = _api.default.get({
                    action: "query",
                    prop: "revisions",
                    rvprop: "content",
                    rvsection: "0",
                    titles: talkPage.getPrefixedText(),
                    indexpageids: 1
                }).then(function(result) {
                    var id = result.query.pageids;
                    return id < 0 ? "" : result.query.pages[id].revisions[0]["*"]
                parseTalkPromise = loadTalkPromise.then(function(wikitext) {
                    return (0, _Template.parseTemplates)(wikitext, !0)
                }).then(function(templates) {
                    return templates.filter(function(template) {
                        return null !== template.getTitle()
                }).then(function(templates) {
                    return (0, _Template.getWithRedirectTo)(templates)
                }).then(function(templates) {
                    return bannersPromise.then(function(allBanners) {
                        return (0, _util.filterAndMap)(templates, function(template) {
                            if (template.isShellTemplate()) return !0;
                            var mainText = template.redirectTarget ? template.redirectTarget.getMainText() : template.getTitle().getMainText();
                            return allBanners.withRatings.includes(mainText) || allBanners.withoutRatings.includes(mainText) || allBanners.wrappers.includes(mainText) || allBanners.notWPBM.includes(mainText) || allBanners.inactive.includes(mainText) || allBanners.wir.includes(mainText)
                        }, function(template) {
                            var mainText = template.redirectTarget ? template.redirectTarget.getMainText() : template.getTitle().getMainText();
                            return allBanners.wrappers.includes(mainText) && (template.redirectTarget = mw.Title.newFromText("Şablon:Subst:" + mainText)), (allBanners.withoutRatings.includes(mainText) || allBanners.wir.includes(mainText)) && (template.withoutRatings = !0), allBanners.inactive.includes(mainText) && (template.inactiveProject = !0), template
                templateDetailsPromise = parseTalkPromise.then(function(templates) {
                    return $.when.apply(null, [].concat(_toConsumableArray( {
                        return template.isShellTemplate() ? null : template.setClassesAndImportances()
                    })), _toConsumableArray( {
                        return template.setParamDataAndSuggestions()
                    })))).then(function() {
                        return templates.forEach(function(template) {
                            return template.addMissingParams()
                        }), templates
                subjectPageCheckPromise = _api.default.get({
                    action: "query",
                    format: "json",
                    formatversion: "2",
                    prop: "categories",
                    titles: subjectPage.getPrefixedText(),
                    redirects: 1,
                    clcategories: ["Kategorî:Rûpelên cudakirinê", "Kategorî:Hemû şitil", "Category:Good articles", "Category:Featured articles", "Category:Featured lists"]
                }).then(function(response) {
                    if (!response || !response.query || !response.query.pages) return null;
                    var redirectTarget = response.query.redirects && response.query.redirects[0].to || !1;
                    if (redirectTarget || !subjectIsArticle) return {
                        redirectTarget: redirectTarget
                    var page = response.query.pages[0],
                        hasCategory = function(category) {
                            return page.categories && page.categories.find(function(cat) {
                                return cat.title === "Kategorî:" + category
                    return {
                        redirectTarget: redirectTarget,
                        disambig: hasCategory("Rûpelên cudakirinê"),
                        stubtag: hasCategory("Hemû şitil"),
                        isGA: hasCategory("Gotarên bi sinifa GBA"),
                        isFA: hasCategory("Gotarên bi sinifa GB"),
                        isFL: hasCategory("Gotarên bi sinifa LB"),
                        isList: !hasCategory("Gotarên bi sinifa LB") && /^Lîste/.test(subjectPage.getPrefixedText())
                }).catch(function() {
                    return null
                shouldGetOres = subjectIsArticle;
            if (shouldGetOres) var oresPromise = (currentPage.isTalkPage() ? _api.default.get({
                action: "query",
                format: "json",
                prop: "revisions",
                titles: subjectPage.getPrefixedText(),
                rvprop: "ids",
                indexpageids: 1
            }).then(function(result) {
                if (result.query.redirects) return !1;
                var id = result.query.pageids,
                    page = result.query.pages[id];
                return "" !== page.missing && (id < 0 ? $.Deferred().reject() : page.revisions[0].revid)
            }) : $.Deferred().resolve( {
                return !!latestRevId && _api.default.getORES(latestRevId).then(function(result) {
                    var data = result.enwiki.scores[latestRevId].articlequality;
                    if (data.error) return $.Deferred().reject(data.error.type, data.error.message);
                    var prediction = data.score.prediction,
                        probabilities = data.score.probability;
                    return "FA" === prediction || "GA" === prediction ? {
                        prediction: "B or higher",
                        probability: (100 * (probabilities.FA + probabilities.GA + probabilities.B)).toFixed(1) + "%"
                    } : {
                        prediction: prediction,
                        probability: (100 * probabilities[prediction]).toFixed(1) + "%"
                }).catch(function() {
                    return null
            var isOpenedPromise = $.Deferred(),
                loadDialogWin = _windowManager.default.openWindow("loadDialog", {
                    promises: [bannersPromise, loadTalkPromise, parseTalkPromise, templateDetailsPromise, subjectPageCheckPromise, shouldGetOres && oresPromise],
                    ores: shouldGetOres,
                    isOpened: isOpenedPromise
            return loadDialogWin.opened.then(isOpenedPromise.resolve), $.when(prefsPromise, loadTalkPromise, templateDetailsPromise, subjectPageCheckPromise, shouldGetOres && oresPromise).then(function(preferences, talkWikitext, banners, subjectPageCheck, oresPredicition) {
                var result = {
                    success: !0,
                    talkpage: talkPage,
                    subjectPage: subjectPage,
                    talkWikitext: talkWikitext,
                    banners: banners,
                    preferences: preferences,
                    isArticle: subjectIsArticle
                subjectPageCheck && (result = function(target) {
                    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
                        var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
                        i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function(key) {
                            _defineProperty(target, key, source[key])
                        }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function(key) {
                            Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key))
                    return target
                }({}, result, {}, subjectPageCheck)), !oresPredicition || !subjectPageCheck || subjectPageCheck.isGA || subjectPageCheck.isFA || subjectPageCheck.isFL || (result.ores = oresPredicition), _windowManager.default.closeWindow("loadDialog", result)
            }), loadDialogWin.closed.then(function(data) {
                data && data.success ? setupCompletedPromise.resolve(data) : data && data.error ? setupCompletedPromise.reject(data.error.code, : setupCompletedPromise.resolve(null), cache.clearInvalidItems()
            }), setupCompletedPromise
        exports.default = _default
    }, {
        "./Template": 3,
        "./api": 15,
        "./cache": 17,
        "./config": 18,
        "./getBanners": 20,
        "./prefs": 21,
        "./util": 23,
        "./windowManager": 24
    23: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";

        function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
            return function(arr) {
                if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr)
            }(arr) || function(iter) {
                if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter)
            }(arr) || function(o, minLen) {
                if (!o) return;
                if ("string" == typeof o) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
                var n =, -1);
                "Object" === n && o.constructor && (n =;
                if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(n);
                if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen)
            }(arr) || function() {
                throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")

        function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
            (null == len || len > arr.length) && (len = arr.length);
            for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
            return arr2
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.mostFrequent = function(array) {
            if (!array || !Array.isArray(array) || 0 === array.length) return null;
            var map = {},
                mostFreq = null;
            return array.forEach(function(item) {
                map[item] = (map[item] || 0) + 1, (null === mostFreq || map[item] > map[mostFreq]) && (mostFreq = item)
            }), mostFreq
        }, exports.uniqueArray = function(array) {
            if (!array || !Array.isArray(array) || 0 === array.length) return [];
            var seen = {},
                unique = [];
            return array.forEach(function(item) {
                seen[item] || (unique.push(item), seen[item] = !0)
            }), unique
        }, exports.classMask = function(classVal) {
            if (!classVal) return classVal;
            switch (classVal.toLowerCase()) {
                case "gb":
                case "lb":
                case "a":
                case "gba":
                case "b":
                case "c":
                case "na":
                case "wb":
                case "al":
                case "bl":
                case "cl":
                    return classVal.toUpperCase();
                case "destpêkî":
                case "şitil":
                case "lîste":
                case "portal":
                case "proje":
                case "draft":
                case "book":
                case "future":
                case "current":
                case "complete":
                case "substantial":
                case "basic":
                case "incomplete":
                case "meta":
                    return classVal.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + classVal.slice(1).toLowerCase();
                case "wêne":
                case "img":
                case "file":
                    return "wêne";
                case "kategorî":
                case "cat":
                case "categ":
                    return "Kategorî";
                case "cudakirin":
                case "disambig":
                case "disamb":
                case "dab":
                    return "Cudakirin";
                case "beralîkirin":
                case "redir":
                case "red":
                    return "Beralîkirin";
                case "şablon":
                case "temp":
                case "tpl":
                    return "Şablon";
                case "bplus":
                case "b+":
                    return "Bplus";
                case "fpo":
                    return "FPo";
                    return classVal
        }, exports.importanceMask = function(importance) {
            return importance ? "na" !== importance.toLowerCase() ? importance.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + importance.slice(1).toLowerCase() : "NA" : importance
        }, exports.normaliseYesNo = exports.filterAndMap = exports.isAfterDate = void 0;
        exports.isAfterDate = function(dateString) {
            return new Date(dateString) < new Date
        var yesWords = ["add", "added", "affirm", "affirmed", "include", "included", "on", "true", "yes", "y", "1"],
            noWords = ["decline", "declined", "exclude", "excluded", "false", "none", "not", "no", "n", "off", "omit", "omitted", "remove", "removed", "0"];
        exports.normaliseYesNo = function(val) {
            if (null == val) return val;
            var trimmedLcVal = val.trim().toLowerCase();
            return yesWords.includes(trimmedLcVal) ? "yes" : noWords.includes(trimmedLcVal) ? "no" : trimmedLcVal
        exports.filterAndMap = function(array, filterPredicate, mapTransform) {
            return array.reduce(function(accumulated, currentVal, currentIndex) {
                return filterPredicate(currentVal, currentIndex, array) ? [].concat(_toConsumableArray(accumulated), [mapTransform(currentVal, currentIndex, array)]) : accumulated
            }, [])
    }, {}],
    24: [function(require, module, exports) {
        "use strict";
        Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
            value: !0
        }), exports.default = void 0;
        var _LoadDialog = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Windows/LoadDialog")),
            _MainWindow = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Windows/MainWindow"));

        function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
            return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
                default: obj
        var factory = new OO.Factory;
        factory.register(_LoadDialog.default), factory.register(_MainWindow.default);
        var manager = new OO.ui.WindowManager({
            factory: factory
        var _default = manager;
        exports.default = _default
    }, {
        "./Windows/LoadDialog": 13,
        "./Windows/MainWindow": 14
}, {}, [2]);
/* </nowiki> */