Ev belgekirin binrûpela ji bo Şablon:Sitelink e. Agahiyên bikaranîna kategorî û naveroka din ku ew beşek ji ne eslî yên şablon rûpel e. |
Bikaranîna Luayê: |
will retrieve the foreign language article title (sitelink) given the Wikidata Qid or local article title. If none is supplied, it uses the current page's Qid.
biguhêre- {{Sitelink|lang=|title=|linked=}}
- {{Sitelink|lang=|qid=|linked=}}
- {{Sitelink|lang=}}
- {{Sitelink|1=|qid=|linked=}}
– ISO-639 language code of the foreign Wikipedia page to be interrogated (required; alias:|1=
– title of the English Wikipedia page (requred if qid is missing; and only one of qid and title may be specified)|qid=
– Wikidata id (item Q-number) of the wikidata item that the English Wikipedia page is linked to (required if title is missing)|linked=
– if present, the foreign Wikipedia title is linked (optional; default is plain text, no link)
→ Imperio alemán (name of the 'German Empire' article at Spanish Wikipedia, as linked by Wikidata item Q43287){{Sitelink|es|qid=Q43287}}
→ Imperio alemán (param name not required for lang as long as it is the first/only unnamed param){{Sitelink|qid=Q43287|es}}
→ Imperio alemán (same as above){{Sitelink|es|Q43287}}
→ (fails; param name required for qid){{Sitelink|es|qid=Q43287|linked=y}}
→ Imperio alemán{{Sitelink|qid=Q43287}}
→ German Empire (English assumed if no lang){{Sitelink|hr|title=German Empire}}
→ (hr
is the ISO-639 language code for Croatian){{Sitelink|hr|title=German Empire|linked=y}}
→ [[:hr:|]] (linked to Croatian Wikipedia article){{Sitelink|hr|linked=y}}
→ [[:hr:|]] (Croatian Wikipedia page for this very template)