Şablon:Rotten Tomatoes person/belge
Ev belgekirin binrûpela ji bo Şablon:Rotten Tomatoes person e. Agahiyên bikaranîna kategorî û naveroka din ku ew beşek ji ne eslî yên şablon rûpel e. |
Bikaranîna Luayê: |
Şablon:Rotten Tomatoes person displays an external link to a page for a person at the Rotten Tomatoes website. It is intended for use in the external links section of an article.
Note: The Rotten Tomatoes website doesn't have a numerical "ID" in way that IMDb does. In this case, the "ID" the instructions below refers to: the person's name (as listed on Rotten Tomatoes), in lower case, separated by an underscore.
biguhêre- Unnamed parameters
{{Rotten Tomatoes person | ID }}
{{Rotten Tomatoes person | ID | NAME }}
- Named parameters
{{Rotten Tomatoes person | id= ID }}
{{Rotten Tomatoes person | id= ID | name= NAME }}
biguhêreUnnamed parameters
biguhêre- Usage in the article Clint Eastwood
* {{Rotten Tomatoes person | clint_eastwood }}
* {{Rotten Tomatoes person | clint_eastwood | Clint Eastwood }}
- Output
- Clint Eastwood li ser Rotten Tomatoes
Named parameters
biguhêre- Usage in the article Kim Johnston Ulrich
* {{Rotten Tomatoes person | id= kim_johnston_ulrich }}
* {{Rotten Tomatoes person | id= kim_johnston_ulrich | name= Kim Johnston Ulrich }}
- Output
ID in Wikidata
biguhêre- Usage in the article James Cagney
* {{Rotten Tomatoes person}}
* {{Rotten Tomatoes person | name= James Cagney }}
- Output
- James Cagney li ser Rotten Tomatoes
No ID in template or Wikidata
biguhêre- Usage
* {{Rotten Tomatoes person}}
- Output
- {{Rotten Tomatoes person}} template missing ID and not present in Wikidata.
biguhêreTemplateData ji bo Rotten Tomatoes person
This template displays an external link to a page for a person at the Rotten Tomatoes website. It is intended for use in the external links section of an article.
Parametre | Danasîn | Cure | Rewş | |
id | id 1 | The "id" parameter (or unnamed parameter "1") should contain the ID portion of the URL. Example: clint_eastwood is the ID portion of https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/clint_eastwood. This parameter is optional if Wikidata property P1258 exists, but required if not.
| Nivîs | ne pêwîst |
name | name 2 | The "name" parameter (or unnamed parameter "2") may be used to specify the link text, which should be the name of the person. This parameter is optional; it defaults to the Wikipedia article name, without any disambiguation such as "(actor)".
| Nivîs | ne pêwîst |
See also
biguhêre- {{Rotten Tomatoes}}
- {{Rotten Tomatoes TV}}