Gotûbêja Wîkîpediyayê:Kirmanckî

Şiroveya dawî: berî 17 salan ji aliyê Xosere ve di mijara Requests for comments/Zazaki Wikipedia v. Kurdish Wikipedia de

şMa bi Xer di


Key ki mi na wastena sima, seba postdariya di ez sas biyo mendo. Seba racarnayina pelga sima, zone ZAZAKI, sima postdari wazene.

Ma bira hete bindi ki, sima vane ki " Ne pe4lga ser Zazaki ye xu ser mebo ya. Hayra taba hacet cino. Ciki Zazaki lehceye di Kirdaskiyo." Ma eki siam na vatena xora inam kene, sima cira neskine dire surr nuste bicarneri zone Zazaki?

Bira bere ne sevda ra acere. Na politika politikaya Tirkan ye asimile u inkarkerdena. Na politika Kurdanra taba derman nebena. Kurd Kurdo, Zaza ki Zazawo. Zazaki zono di xusero. bere me pilosiye lingane mara. MA rehet biverde ki raa xodi lew simadi ze havalan ray bicerimi.

Wes u war bimane.

Bertal Kahraman

Birez Kahraman, ez dixwazim bersiv ji bidim, le ez nizanim hun ciqas kurmanci fehm dikin. Ji kerema xwe bibe endam da ku em bikarin bi email niqas bikin.
Ez bawer im, cend tistan sas ten fehmkirin. Em ji dexwazin alikariya hevalen Zaza bikin. Armancen me yen cuda tune. Silav, --Erdal Ronahi 13:08, 25 Rêbendan 2006 (UTC)

I can understand Kurdish (kirdaski- kurmanci) but, I can not really speak Kurdish. I read write and fluently speak Zazaki -Kirmancki- Dimilki. It is my mother tounge.

My problem is that, "Why Kurdish friends like yourself, keep trying to say Zazaki is the dialect of Kursish" Since we can not communicate witouth help of third languages. How would it be dialect of same language? I try to learn Kurdish and now I can read and understand it good enough, but I can not say that I can speak and write it reasonably good.

You write to me abowe; that "You would like to answer me, but you are not sure how good is my Kurdish" Yes you are right. You can not write in ZAZAKI and you wouldnt know if I do speak and understand KURDISH at all. so we have a problem. That is what exectly my point. Kurdsish and ZAZAKI related but not same language or dialect of one another. Like any otherIranian language teh are related that is the fact.

I would like to write in Zazaki on the Zazaki pages. Not in to other languages pages. that is why when I saw that Kurdish wikipedia pages asking for help to Translate Kurdish in to Zazaki, I find it strange. Because the wery same people strongly opposing indepandent Zazaki wikipedia, same people saying that Zazaki is not a language but dialect of Kurdish.

Dont you think this is a litle bit conffusing?

Weş u war bianê.

Bertal Kahraman

Thanks for answering. I would appreciate if you would log in, then we can communicate by email. No, I don't find that confusing. I live in Germany, and I know German better than Kurdish. If there was no education of 'standard German' in schools, people from Bavariya and Frisia could never understand each other. The same is valid for Sorani and Kurmanci speakers. The Kurdish dialects have not yet undergone this process of emerging into a standard. In fact, I myself don't care a lot. But I know a lot of Zazaki speakers who themselves consider it a dialect of Kurdish, so why should I oppose? For these people I certainly want to have Zazaki inside the Kurdish Wikipedia. There may be a Zazaki Wikipedia, too, but why split the efforts?
I really want to help you, and I thought inviting you to write would help. Please use the Kurdish Wikipedia, if one day there is a Zazaki Wikipedia, it will be easy to transfer all the articles there. --Erdal Ronahi 13:45, 28 Rêbendan 2006 (UTC)

Stolen contents!


You took simply the Design and contents of us to it to ask without us!! we have ourselves strive so much for it given and now take their that simply and leave the appearance, as if would have made their that!!! That is illegal! You completely exactly know that zazaki no dialect is of Kurdish. THUS hears on with that!! --Sobê 10:18, 29 adar 2006 (UTC)Bersiv bide

No, it's not illegal. Everything you contribute to any Wikimedia project is automatically licenced under GFDL, which means it can be copied to any other Wikipedia without crediting. -- 06:18, 30 adar 2006 (UTC)Bersiv bide

Also, it should not be illegal to copy, but why the vandalizm? Where do you take the right to delete tehe articles in Zazaki Wikipedia?

Wexat ku hûn nıvisên me bı zımanê Zazaki dızi dıkın, tinın viderê û pela me xırabe dıkın, qet şerm nakın, qet wıcdanê we cız nake? jı kuderê va heq gırtıne? Eyb e, gelek eyb e ku hûn jı bo navê geleki bındestê mina Kurdan vana jı me ra dıkın. Eger me pela xwe çê kır, qet nehat aqılê me ku bên jı pela we nıvisan dızi bıkın. Asmên

This is the Zazaki Wikipedia. It's against Wikipedia rules to create a Test-Wiki if the content can be made at another project, which is the case here.

Biraz olsun vijdanınız sızlasın, insafsızlar! Onca uğraşı tahrip edip üstelik yazıları çalıyorsunuz. Nerde görülmüş böyle vahşilik.

You vandalize permanently our project on Test.wp/diq and steal our texts. This is an enormous shameless act. Please, stop it!--mirzali 03:20, 31 March 2006 (UTC)

Bu ne çalmadir anlayamadim. Kim yazi nerden calmis? Bunu lütfen Erdal Ronahi ve sizler aranizda halledin. Wikide yanlislar düzeltilir, lisansi olmayan resimler geri silinir, kaynak yazilmamissa, öneri yapilir vs vs. Yani cözülmeyen birsey yoktur.

Ha deseniz ki burayi da sanaldaki gibi yapacagiz, insanlari kacirtacagiz o zaman Mevlam da sizi kör eder. Bu ne argo dil? Biri "ayip" diyor, biri "insafsiz" diyor. Siz wikici misiniz yoksa solcu mu:) Yani mecbur muyuz sizin gibi düsünmeye? Ben de aha diyorum "Siz Zaza, Zazacilik, dil, dil bilimciligi, tarih, etimoloji, etik ve estetik bahsinde zerre kadar birsey bilmiyorsunuz. Isiniz gücünüz Kürt milletine yani Zazalara zarar vermek icin elinden geleni internette yapmaktir. Sizin zerre kadar Zazalar umurunuzda degildir, olmadi, olamaz da. Cünkü yasam realdedir" evet tam da böyle dersem dünyanin sonu degil, ama bir degerlendirme olur. Hem de Zazalarin % 99´inin paylastigi bir degerlendirme.

Bir kere Dersîm de Zaza degil Kirmanc, Bingöl de Kird, Siverek te Dimilî, Sivas da Ginî diyorlar. Kendine Zaza diyen eski kusaktan (yeni kusak ölcü degil kendine Türk diyen Kürt cok gördüm, yani assimilasyon) birini gösterin bana ben de ikna olayim. Zaza yabancilarin verdigi addir. Mesela biz Almana Alman deriz ama onlar Deutsch derler. Onun gibi. Kaldi ki Zazaistan teorisi zaten desifre edildi, anlasildi ve kimin projesi oldugu görüldü. Sizin wikide rastladim hala Zazaistan diyorsunuz Dersime. Kisaca magazinin sonu gelmez ve burasi Chat degil. LÜTFEN. Hakaret de iyi degil. Wiki baris projesidir. Burada siyasetcilik, devlet kurma vs Türkiye isi seyler gülünc düser. LÜTFEN YAPMAYIN. ZAZACAYA CALISIN DILI GELISTIRIN DEVLET KURMAYI HELE WIKI DE YAPMAYIN. Kirmanciye, Deylem, Dersîm.. Bunlar dogrudur. Dili gelistirmek dogrudur. Kültürü korumak dogrudur. Zazaistan, yok uyduruk seyler, zorla isim yakistirmalar, inkarcilik, reali kücümseme vs vs bostur. Zazalar bizden hizmet bekliyor. Zazaca bizden hizmet bekliyor.

Ben saygilar dilerim dedim, XOSER "biktim" demis. O yüzden bu defa sevgiler sunuyorum.

Kekê ERDAL RONAHÎ çima ev zilaman wisa heqaretan dikin. Kê ne evana? Kê çi diziye? Vana pere windakirine çi ye? Ma ev der Chat e? Ma evana dixwazin vê derê biherimînin? Ma hûn nikarin di navbera xwe de biriya e-maîlan bi hevre şêwrê bikin û pirsgirêkên xwe safîbikin?

Em li benda bikarhênerên nû ne ku werin Wîkîpediya me dewlemend bikin. Binêrin me vê dawiyê çend gavên girîng avêt û ji nişka ve evana li me civiyan. Aya tesadûf e? Ma em mecbûr in wekî vana bifikirin? Binêre nîqaşama hate gihîşte kîjan radeyê.. Mi dizanibû ev grûba înternetî (lewra jiyana wan û rêbaza wan tenê înternet e) ticarî nikare bikeve nîqaşên bikêr û rewa. Ji ber wê min gotibû "Em bihuştê jî bibexşînin, dîsa qebûl nakin". Lewra mesele tiştekê din e. Wê tiştê jî em niakrin li vir safî bikin. Wikîpediya Kurdî ne cihê nîqaşên polîtîk e.

Ji kerema xwe vê rûpelê tevayî vala bike. Rê nede ku heqaret were kirin. Tu û ewana bi e-mailan têkevin têkiliyan. --Bablekan 22:25, 28 reşemî 2007 (UTC)

Deleting content


It is definitely not correct to delete pages on the test wiki, and it is also not correct to delete pages on this wiki. As an administrator I cannot allow that.

I am happy that finally someone has started working on a Zazaki Wikipedia and I personally hope that it will flourish and develop well. Please remember that we on ku (in fact, myself) were the first to publish Zazaki content in Wikipedia.

I am not so happy that some users are engaged in a 'revert war' with other users. And I am very unhappy about the declaration of copies of articles or layouts as "stealing".

Everybody may have an own opinion about whether Zazaki articles should appear in this Wiki or not, but you certainly cannot claim that reproducing content released under the GFDL is "stealing". Whoever does not agree to that should consider not to contribute to a Wikipedia. Please understand that the page Xanepel may have to be protected because of your edit war.

In my personal opinion, a Zazaki Wikipedia makes a Zazaki section in ku mostly redundant. But as an administrator on ku, I cannot allow that anyone deletes articles with no appropriate reason.

Please note also, that the existence or nonexistece of Zazaki articles here or of a Zazaki Wikipedia has absolutely nothing to do with the question of whether Zazaki speakers consider themselves Kurds or not or if Zazaki is a dialect of Kurdish or not. These questions are irrelevant for the creation of a Wikipedia. Our aim is to write an encyclopedia. If there are encyclopaedic articles is Zazaki: Great! If there are enough writers to feed a Zazaki Wikipedia: Great! But someone may find it appropriate to copy that content into this Wiki. That is neither "stealing" nor "illegal" nor "vahşilik" or "insafsizlik". --Erdal Ronahi 01:13, 1 avrêl 2006 (UTC)

You already occupied unjustly the name Zazaki and try now lay claim to some privileges? Please, don’t make any polemics! The fact is, that we here don’t want see our Zazaki articles and layouts under ku. Wikipedia.

We want our independence. So long as you declare Zazaish as a so-called Kurdish dialect, your act is well valid as a stealing. Everything else what you say is hypocritical and not credible.

If you really want Zazaki flourishing, you could write other new Zazaki texts by yourself –without copying or stealing from other pages-. But, I know well that you can’t this, because Zazaish is a foreign language for you. The important thing to you is the Kurdish nationalism and not absolutely the Zaza language. In reality you were concerned that the Zazas better have to learn or speak Kurdish. --mirzali 02:29, 2 April 2006 (UTC)

Dear Mirzali, I won't enter in any polemics and can just ask you not to insult me. I can just repeat myself: A Zazaki Wikipedia has been approved, as soon as it is created everything will be transferred there, I will even help. Until that day I suggest you add your articles here. If you don't want to do that, just don't do it. But don't delete any content. On the other hand, if you still refer to copying content as "stealing", I suggest you read the GFDL in a language you understand well. --Erdal Ronahi 20:25, 2 avrêl 2006 (UTC)

Dear Mr. E. Ronahi, when we ever had wanted to write into ku.-wikipedia, we have done it long ago. But so long as you insist that Zazaki is reputed to be a Kurdish dialect, nobody of us would write here.

In any case, to declare Zazaish as a dialect is not scientific, -as you well know- this matter is proved already many years ago. It is not genuine what you try to do and there is no offence meant, when I tell the truth.

Even your choice on Zazaki texts from shows us your one-sidedness and we doubt therefore your sincerity. You avoid only our intention, but we don’t need anybody controlling our project. It would flourish essentially better without your interference. --mirzali 01:37, 5 avrêl 2006 (UTC)

Image rename


Please rename Image:Nuvola_apps_knewsletter.png to Image:Nuvola_apps_knewsticker.png at your main page. This was a deleted duplicate in Commons. (commons:User:Arnomane) 20:56, 11 rezber 2006 (UTC)

Zazaki Wikipedia


Hi Erdal, I am one of the administrators of the Zazaki Wikipedia. As you know, we went through a voting process and lunched a Zazaki Wikipedia. In a short time, the Zazaki Wikipedia reached more than 1000 articles.

When we lunched our Wikipedia, we didn't tell you to transfer the Zazaki section of the Kurdish Wikipedia, waiting an action from you. However, you did not take any action and also put back the Zazaki box on the main page of the Kurdish Wikipedia. Your Zazaki section--in which there are some articles lifted directly from the Zazaki Wikipedia--does create confusion. There should be only one place for Zazaki articles; that is why the Zazaki Wikipedia exists.

My proposal is that you should transfer Zazaki articles in the Kurdish Wikipedia to Zazaki Wikipedia and close down the Zazaki section. However, you can keep the Zazaki box on the front page as long as you put the web address of the Zazaki Wikipedia on the main page of the Kurdish Wikipedia. Since you are only interested to show Zazaki as a "dialect", this should also satisfy you. I am looking forward to your answer. Best, --Xosere 04:52, 18 reşemî 2007 (UTC)

I have been waiting for your answer for two days, no answer yet. I guess you think that if you ignore me, nothing going to happen. I am patient and intend to solve the problem. If you do not answer me towards solving the problem or take any action, I will bring a wikimedia arbitrator to take care of the situation. I am still waiting for your answer. --Xosere 07:49, 20 reşemî 2007 (UTC)
Hi Xosere, personally I agree with you that the Zazakî Wikipedia should be the place for Zazakî articles. However, not everybody in the Kurdish Wikipedia agrees to that.
It is simply not true that I or "the Kurdish Wikipedia" refers to Zazaki only as a dialect. Some people do, and it is not on me to decide whether they are right or wrong. Some people also continue to write articles in Zazaki here. Also, there are people who prefer to refer to Zazakî as Kirmanckî, and there are people who see it as a dialect. It is not important whether I agree to that or not, but I do not find it right to prevent anybody from writing here. I have no problem with putting the link prominently onto the frontpage, as it was before we made the boxes smaller. Please also notice that the Zazaki link is prominently present on the left side among the interwiki links. --Erdal Ronahi 18:02, 23 reşemî 2007 (UTC)
Thanks for your answer. Let's forget dialect/language discussion. It is not relevant for our problem here.
Last year, we had a voting and discussion process for the Zazaki Wikipedia, and it lasted for almost seven months. Eventually, we decided in favor of a Zazaki Wikipedia. Now, everybody should honor this decision. It is really not an excuse to say that some people want to write here, so I can’t prevent them. Okay if they want to write in Kurdish Wikipedia, they can write in Kurdish. But, if they want to write in Zazaki, the address is the Zazaki Wikipedia. In the Zazaki Wikipedia, we don’t allow any politics. The only thing that we care is to create quality articles in the Zazaki Language, and everybody is welcomed.
By the way, where are those people who want to write here? I don’t see anybody writing here. In fact, some articles are directly lifted from the Zazaki Wikipedia, and the main page that you use for the Zazaki section is created by us and lifted again from our Wikipedia to the Zazaki section of the Kurdish Wikipedia. Look, the Kurdish Wikipedia has been operating for almost three years, and you have some Zazaki articles taken from different places. This is not working.
Your opposition to creation of a Zazaki Wikipedia cost the Zazaki Wikipedia 8 months. Now, you are still causing problems for us. That Zazaki section in the Kurdish Wikipedia really damages the Zazaki Wikipedia. Let’s don’t waste our time. This is not helping you and us. I kindly ask you to transfer Zazaki articles to the Zazaki Wikipedia and close the section. If you still insist on not doing it. I think we should bring a Wikimedia arbitrator. I hope you chose the right way. --Xosere 07:00, 26 reşemî 2007 (UTC)
Before I answer, Xosere/Maviulke, please tell me how 32 pages on ku damage the 1000+ pages diq-encyclopedia. You are of course free to transfer these pages to diq yourselves. May I also remind that the Kurdish Wikipedia is not my private property and that I will not take any decisions on my own. --Erdal Ronahi 20:24, 26 reşemî 2007 (UTC)
How does it damage? Look in order to have a successful and a comprehensive Wikipedia, we must have more users to participate and write in the Zazaki Wikipedia. What you are doing is to prevent this by creating a second place for Zazaki in the Wikipedia project. I don’t want to transfer anything from here. This is not really what I am after. You should transfer it and close the section. You already took almost 10 articles from our Wikipedia. If I let this happen, where is the end? How will we stop you taking articles from our Wikipedia?
I know that the Kurdish Wikipedia is not your private property. It is Wikipedia Foundation’s property. As an administer, you take a lot of decisions by yourself. You have the authority to do what I kindly ask. Kurdish Wikipedia cannot do anything it want, especially taking articles from other places and creating an ambiguity in the Wikipedia. What I want is to give the Zazaki speakers something that they can read in their native language without politics of others. I am dealing with you for over one year. I am really tired of that. I just want to create a successful and a vibrant Zazaki Wikipedia.
Please do so, absolutely nobody is stopping you from that. --Erdal Ronahi 02:40, 1 adar 2007 (UTC)Bersiv bide
You are stopping us to do it. I have lost two users because of you. When you steal articles that those two people wrote, they stop writing. They told me that tey cannot write in wikipedia if people are playing games here. --Xosere 07:29, 1 adar 2007 (UTC)Bersiv bide
You still have not told us which articles you are talking about. If anything has been taken without mentioning the source, we can correct that easily. --Erdal Ronahi 08:25, 1 adar 2007 (UTC)Bersiv bide
Here are they: Ziwan, Biyolociye, Dara Hêni, Destanê Gilgamiş, Musewitine --Xosere 16:01, 2 adar 2007 (UTC)Bersiv bide
I repeat my proposal: please transfer Zazaki articles to the Zazaki Wikipedia, and close the section. If you are not willing to do that, I think a Wikimedia arbitrator should intervene. Best, --Xosere 15:29, 27 reşemî 2007 (UTC)
As you can see it is consensus here not to "close down" anything. Feel free to call an arbitrator, but I think you will have little luck. --Erdal Ronahi 02:40, 1 adar 2007 (UTC)Bersiv bide

Okay, I think it is the time to take the issue to Metawiki. I believe that I have good reasons. --Xosere 07:29, 1 adar 2007 (UTC)Bersiv bide
Well Xosere yaou can't assess negatively what we are thinking and doing. Most of the kurdish User want this language and I think it should be remain. --Zimane Me Hebuna Me Ye 06:40, 1 adar 2007 (UTC)Bersiv bide



Serî de ez nikarim baş bi Îngilîzî biaxivim û herwekî Xosere jî hemî devokên Kirmanckî (Zazakî) nizane. Ka em bi çi zimanî nîqaşê bimeşînin? Bi destûra kekê Erdal û bikarhênerên din, ez tenê ji bo carekê zimanê Tirkî bikartînim. Heger nîqaş bi Tirkî dirêj bû, ji admînan tika dikim, bila rûpelê seranser vala bikin.

Xosere´nin Kirmanckînin tüm agizlarina hakim olmadigini bildigim ve de Ingilizceyi de ben tam bilmedigim ve dahi Xoserenin en iyi bildigi dilin Türkce oldugunu bildigim hasebiyle izninizle onun anlamasi icin Türkce lisaniyla diyorum ki "wikipediyada bir admin olmaniz, dil bilimci, tarihci ve bir ulusun bütün organizmasini teskil eden parcalari hakkinda yetkili ve söz sahibi yada uzman olmaniz mümkün degildir. Öne sürdügünüz fikirler zatialinizin sahsi fikirleridir.


1- Türkce Wikinin bile Osmanlica versiyonu var. Ingilizcenin Simple English var. Ruscanin Belarus.. Pek cok böylesi örnek mevcuttur. Bizde niye olmasin? Bizde yarin Soranî de ayri olsa ne zarari var? Bence hicbir mahsuru yok. Tam tersine daha cok sayfalarimiz, daha cok ansiklopedilerimiz olur. Kaldi ki 21 asirda öyle yasaklama, silme, ignore etme vs tutmaz. Bu yüzden kimse size "Neden baslibasina bir Zazakî ansiklopedi dediniz " demedi, diyemez de. Bunun tersi de ahlakidir. Fekat simdilik daha baslangictayiz, yazma kanallarini acik tutmak mecburiyetindeyiz. Zaten

2- Siz de iyi bilirsiniz ki Zazaca hakkinda dünyada gittikce bilgi birkimi oluyor. Gittikce daha cok yerli ve yabanci dilbilimci calisma yapiyor. Lakin henüz sonuc bir noktaya ulasilmis degil. Cogu Zaza aydini, dilbilimcisi ve bizzat öyle olani sizin gibi düsünmemekte, kendilerini Kürt milletinin bir rengi, bir parcasi ve hatta özü ifa etmektedirler. Bunu en iyi sizin bildiginizden süphem yoktur. Hal bu minval üzereyken buraya yazma amaciyla gelene ne demeli? Hayir yazmayin mi demeli? Bunu siz der misiniz? Bakin Kirmanckî (zazakî, Kirdkî, dimilkî, ginî vs) tehlike altindadir, yokolma tehlikesi.. Hal böyleyken onun kanallarini kapatmak dogru mudur?

3- Ayni mantikla TV lerimize ne diyelim? "Ey TV ler sirf zazaca yayin yapmiyorsunuz, baska lehceleri, yada dilleri de kullaniyorsunuz. O halde artik Zazaca yayin yapmayin?" diyebilir misiniz? O TV ler de olmasaydi acaba hal nice olurdu?

4- Ben sahsim adina tam tersine Kirmanckî maddeler az diye hayiflanirken ve muhakkak ben de Zazakî yazayim diye düsünürken, sizin birden ortaya cikip "Kapatin burayi" demeniz beni ürktü. Ben, siz, Erdal Ronahi yada baskasi burada Zazakiyi kaldirsak da talep bitmeyecektir. Erdal Ronahi de ben, siz yada baskasi da Zazalarin duygu ve bilinclerine, tercihlerine engel olamaz. Bir ara Erdal giristekî BOX´u kaldirmisti. Siddetli elestirenlerden biri bendim. Zazacayi Kürtce wikipediyada görememek Belarusu, Isvicre Almancasini yoketmektir. Kürt milleti tüm renkleriyle güzeldir. Kuskusuz sizin fikirleriniz de en az benimki kadar degerlidir, is sanal ortamdaki lackaliga düsmedigi sürece.. Birgün kaldirilirsa elestiri giristeki BOXu da asar buna eminim. Negativ tepkilerden Kurmancî de Zazakî de Soranî de zarar görür. Insanlar bilirler ki Wikipediya seviye, tarafsizlik, ilim-irfan yeridir. Insanlar bundan süphe ettikleri vakit, burasi sanaldaki düzeysizlige dogru evrimlesir. 5- Siz ve Erdal Ronahi tartismalarinizi buraya yansitmadan evvel, e-mail vs ile kendi aranizda ele alip bir sonuca ulasmaya calissaniz kanimca daha verimli olur. Böylelikle tarafsiz wikipedia isini, misyonunu, islevini yapmada devam etmis olur. Bu da nacizane ikinize de öneri.

Size basarilar diler, saygilar sunarim.

Ben bu kuru politikalardan biktim. Ayni seyleri tekerleme gibi anlatiyorsunuz. Wikipedia sisyasi bir proje degildir. Devletler yikip, kurmuyoruz burada. Ben burada kulturel bir proje hazirliyorum ve siz buna engel oluyorsunuz. Masaallah, artik Turkleri de aratmaz oldunuz. Bak buraya insanlar Kurtce yazmis. Hic birsey anlamiyorum. Lutfen artik birakin isimize bakalim. --Xosere 15:36, 27 reşemî 2007 (UTC)

Birêzno, nêrîna piraniya zazakîaxêvan wekî min e. Ango xwe Kurd û zimanê / Zaraveyê xwe jî yek ji rehên Kurdî dizanin. Viya herkes dizane. Em bixwazin - nexwazin ev wisa ye. Li Kurdistanê û derveyî welêt heya niha HÎC SAZIYEKE YAN CIHEKE KURDAN ZAZAKÎ YAN ÊN DIN JI HEV CUDA NEGIRTINE. WÎKÎPEDIYA KURDÎ NIKARE IGNORE BIKE, CUDATIYÊ BIXÊ. NE DEM E Û NE JÎ PÊWÎST E. Binêrin ev gelek girîng e. Bo psîkolojiya mirovan pirr girîng e. Soranekê were vir bibîne ku Zazakî û Kurmancî hene lê Soranî nîne, aya wê çi bifikire, çi bêje? Em tevlî bibin an nebin, psîkolojiya gelê me ev e. Helbet nêrîn, têkoşîn û çalakiyên hinekan dê bidomin. Em xwediyê xwediyan baş dinasin û hewce nîne em li ser guftûgoyan bikin. Ew ê bi hemî hêza xwe û li hemî cihan karên xwe bimesînin. Dawî nîne. Em ê jî li karên xwe binêrin. Em cinnetê jî bibexşînin dê ew hinekan qebûl nekin. Sedemê wê jî hewce nîne ez li vir bêjim. Bi kurtî heger Soranî jî cuda be, yan jî pirranî wisa bixwazin dikare wê gavê ne yek 3-4 ensîklopediyên me hebin. Lê îro hêj zû ye yan ne wisa ye. Cavên gelê me li me ne. Ci Kurmanc, ci Soran, ci Zaza.. Ew ji me xebatê dixwazin. Ew naxwazin em xwe wekî sêwiyan bibînin di ensîklopediya Kurdî de.

Birêz Erdal Ronahî ez jî wekî 99 % ji gelê me yê Zazakîaxêv ji cenabê we tika dikim bila rengê Zazakî ji Xasbaxçeyê Ensîklopediya Kurdî kêm nebe. Û mafê me jî nîne.

Silav û rêz --Bablekan 22:55, 26 reşemî 2007 (UTC)

Firstly want to say i am agree with the answer of Bablekan an that he writed. And I don't want to write a long answer about this point. Because it is late and the point is clear; if some people things to create a new wiki independent from here, i don't think someone can/will stop this. But about deleting zazakî, this must'nt and also won't be a problem for independent zazakî wiki. Because someone that foreigner to here don't write topics to wikies. For readers if there is/will be a link also there will be no problem. how no one can say don't create a independent wiki, also if someone want to write here no one can say don't write here. So, yes zazakî wikipediya must be(seems to be clear that wanted), but box at the destpêk should/can stay.. Slavên germ

Cyrus the virus

Zazakî gulek ji baxçê Kurdistanê ye...


Li gorî min ne pêwîst e û ne rast e ku em zazakî ji wîkîpediya kurdî rakin. Rast e ku li gorî hin zimannasan (mîna "M. Lecoq" mamostê fîlolojî li zanîngeha Sorbonne-Parîs) zazakî jî mîna kurdî, farsî, bellûcî, tecîkî paştû û hwd... zimanekî malbata îranî ye û serbixwe ye. Lê ev teoriyek e. Li gorî hin zimannasan; gava ku du civak ji hev fam nekin tê wê wateyê ku ew ne yek ziman in. Lê belê em dizanin ku hemî erebaxêv jî ji hev fam nakin û cudatî di nav erebî de jî heye ev yek ji bona tirkî jî wisa ye. Ji aliyê din gramera soranî û kurmancî jî ne yek e û cudatî di navbera wan de jî hene. Mînak: Di kurmancî de mê û nêr heye lê di soranî de nîne her wekî din kurmancî zimanekî ergatîf/akuzatîf e lê soranî tenê akuzatîf e, pirhijmar di herdu zaravayan de cuda ye.... û em nikarin bêjin ku kurmanc û soran ji sedî sed hevdu fam dikin. Heger em guh bidin wan divê em bêjin soranî jî ne kurdî ye û divê em veqetînin. Ji weynî vê divê em ne tenê li ser zimên bisekinin. Di dîroka Kurdistanê de, di çanda wê de, di berxwedanên wê de grîngiya zimanê zaza û zazayan mezin e û hîn jî wisa ye. Gava zazayek were ser wîkîpediya kurdî zarava xwe têde nebîne emê çi ji hev re bêjin ? Armanca veqetandina zazakî çi ye ? Veqetandina zazakî wê bi kêrî karê kê were ? Ewê çi bikeve destê me? Jixwe dewleta tirk bi salan e propagandek wisa dike da ku kurdan ji hev veqetînin. Yên ku dibêjin zazakî ne kurdî ye, zarava zazakî bi tîpên tirkî dinivisînin ! Divê mirov hay ji hin tistan hebe ! Bi min ne rast e, ne pêwîst e, û şaştiyek e ku zazakî ji wîkîpediya kurdî rabe. Di wîkîpediya kurdî de zazakî dewlemendiyek e û rengekî cuda ye.--Luqman 10:01, 27 reşemî 2007 (UTC)

Zazaki û Kurdi


Bêle êv thematik pir zorê û grîngê. Gêlek Zaza xwe kurd hesap dikê. Zi bo wina bila Zazaki bimi nê. Ez bawêrem ev zi bo me xemi cêtire. spas--Zimane Me Hebuna Me Ye 16:10, 27 reşemî 2007 (UTC)

Requests for comments/Zazaki Wikipedia v. Kurdish Wikipedia


I have created a page on the meta-wiki for the wikipedia community to submit their comments for the dispute between the Zazaki Wikipedia and the Kurdish Wikipedia. m:Requests for comments/Zazaki Wikipedia v. Kurdish Wikipedia --Xosere 13:50, 11 adar 2007 (UTC)Bersiv bide

Xanepel an Kategorî wekî Xanepel?


Îro rûpela "Wîkîpediya:Kirmanckî" carek hat jêbirin. Şûna wê Kategorî:Zazakî hat bikaranîn. Hevalên din çi dibêjin? Em kategorî wekî rûpela yekemîn ji bo kirmanckî an jî soranî bi kar bînin an na? --Erdal Ronahi 17:38, 30 avrêl 2007 (UTC)

Vegere rûpela projeya "Kirmanckî".