Wêne:La chapelle au Riboul - Place de l'église.JPG

Dosyeya orjînal (2304 × 1728 pixel, mezinbûnê data: 647 KB, MIME-typ: image/jpeg)


Français : Place de l'église - La chapelle au Riboul
Çavkanî Min çêkir
Xwedî Anne de Marchis


I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Licence Art Libre Copyleft: This work of art is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it according to terms of the Free Art License. You will find a specimen of this license on the Copyleft Attitude site as well as on other sites.


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motîv Kurdish (Latin script) (transliterated)

rewşa mafê telîfê Kurdish (Latin script) (transliterated)

copyrighted îngilîzî

destûr Kurdish (Latin script) (transliterated)

Free Art License îngilîzî

dema avabûnê Kurdish (Latin script) (transliterated)

9 îlon 2006

data size îngilîzî

662.659 byte

1728 pixel

panî Kurdish (Latin script) (transliterated)

2304 pixel

media type îngilîzî


checksum îngilîzî


exposure time îngilîzî

0,002 sanî

f-number îngilîzî


focal length îngilîzî

6 milîmetre

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Dîrok/KatjimêrWêneyê biçûkMezinahîBikarhênerŞirove
niha21:15, 8 adar 2011Versiyona biçûkkirî yê 21:15, 8 adar 20112304 x 1728 (647 KB)Dudus~commonswiki{{Information |Description ={{fr|1=Place de l'église - La chapelle au Riboul}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Anne de Marchis |Date =9 septembre 2006 |Permission = |other_versions = }}

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